Revelation 7:1-4 “Who Will Survive the Tribulation?”

Who Will Survive the Tribulation of Revelation?

Bible Study Guide

The previous chapter on the sixth seal of Revelation closes with an intriguing question. A question posed by the unbelieving inhabitants of earth reeling from their just punishment.

Who will survive the great day of God’s wrath? Who can withstand the forces that mankind will be faced with, those who are left behind?

Before we look at the answer to that question, let’s take a look at how bad Jesus said it was going to be during this time of tribulation on the earth.

“If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.” (Matthew 24:22)

Christ gives us a glimpse at how bad the events of God’s wrath will be. He also tells us why the tribulation was shortened to seven years. Had it not been, no one would survive. So we know that when Christ returns, there will be survivors on what’s left of the planet. They’ll not be without damage.

We know for a fact that the time of the tribulation was shortened for the sake of the elect. The elect are the one-third of Israel, who will be saved after the accept Christ as their Messiah when they watch Him return at the Second Coming.

“This third I will put into the fire;
I will refine them like silver
and test them like gold.
They will call on my name
and I will answer them;
I will say, ‘They are my people,’
and they will say, ‘The Lord is our God.’”
(Zechariah 13:9)

Now, let’s take a look at who will be able to withstand the supernatural forces that will be poured out upon mankind in these last days.

Let’s Meet Those Who Will Survive

(Verses 1-4) After the just punishment of the sixth seal is poured out, John sees four angels standing at the four corners of the earth.

This is not a reference to the earth being flat. Rather, it’s an idiomatic expression. It’s meant to describe to the reader that the four angels are restraining back the winds from the entire earth from blowing upon mankind. It’s an all inclusive expression meant to not leave any part of the planet out of the picture.

We come to understand that these great winds are about to blow upon the earth. But first, something must happen. The angels are about to unleash a storm of wind throughout the world unlike any other. But they’re told to wait. Wait for what?

There is going to be a seal placed on the ones who will not be harmed while they perform their evangelistic work. But wait, these are not just survivors. Those receiving the seal are more than survivors. They will flourish and their work will grow in multitude as the they spread the word of God.

These survivors are going to be evangelist. Spreading the gospel to the lost and desperate looking for a way out through Christ alone.

Yes, even during the worse days the planet has ever known, God’s love for His creation will continue. Those left behind to face the wrath of judgment will have the opportunity to come to Christ while hell breaks loose on earth.

This is only possible because the God of the Bible, the only God, is a loving and faithful God and wishes that none would perish, but all would come to believe.

What is the Seal of the Survivors?

When a person comes to know Christ and makes the decision to follow Christ and put their full faith and trust in Him, they receive a seal.

The first step in the process is for the new believer to acknowledge that they’ve sinned before God. They ask Christ to forgive their sins. Then they give over every part of their life to Christ.

God, and God only will in turn justify the sincerity of their heart in turning to Christ. Once justified, God will send upon them the Holy Spirit to reside in them. This is the seal of God upon the Biblical Christian believer. They are now walking with the Holy Spirit in their Christian journey of sanctification. A journey that will take them toward holiness and righteousness.

There is nothing that can break the seal of the Holy Spirit after being chosen and justified by God. The Holy Spirit is their to protect and keep you until your final hour.

Who Will Survive Without the Seal?

In the same way, John is going to see a seal placed on the forehead of 144,000 Jews. This is the seal of God that will protect them. What do they need protection from?

A couple of things. First, all of the man made forces as well as the supernatural forces from heaven raining down on the earth. Remember, we’ve already seen two billion people on earth perish from the first six judgment seals. We’re not even half way through the tribulation yet.

Secondly, the absence of the believers in Christ (rapture) has left a vacuum on the planet that has been replaced with the most vile evil the world has ever witnessed. This means, Satan will have a target on everyone of these 144,000 Jews that are going out to spread God’s word.

The Beginning of a Revival

Without God’s seal these 144,000 Jewish evangelist might not survive. Who will survive without it? Only a few.

They will be sitting ducks in the middle of quiet pond surrounded by duck hunters during duck hunting season. They would have no chance of survival. Unless, the seal of God was placed upon them. This will ensure their safety and the success of their work.

They must survive because they are the first phase of the Tribulation revival. They will set forth the spreading of God’s word in a manner that will bring about the next phases of evangelism that we’ll see during this time period.

This evangelism will end when every single person still standing on earth will get to hear the gospel. Why is this important? So that not one person will be left with out having had the ability to make a choice for Christ or eternal damnation. This is according to the words of Christ during His Olivet Discourse.

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14)

You see, before the end of the Tribulation can come, everyone remaining on earth must hear the gospel of Christ. All will be granted the opportunity to make a final choice. The choice will be eternal salvation with Christ or eternal damnation apart from Christ.

After everyone has heard the gospel and has been afforded an opportunity to make a choice for life or death, than the end will come and the final judgment upon the world. This will occur just before the reign of Christ in the Millennium.

Why Did God Choose Jews To Be the 144,000?

God could of obviously chosen Jews or Gentiles to be among the 144,000 evangelists. So why do you suppose He chose all Jews?

The answer points to one Abrahamic Covenant verse. God is a loving and faithful God. The same God who was, is the same God who is, and is the same God who will be. His promises and words of yesterday, are the same today and will remain the same tomorrow.

The choosing of all Jews to become tribulation evangelist fulfills a continuing promise to His chosen people that He spoke of in the book of Genesis.

“I will bless those who bless you,
    and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all peoples on earth
    will be blessed through you.” (Genesis 12:3)

God’s people will be a light to all the nations. The glory of God will shine through the nation of Israel and all people’s of earth will be blessed through them.

So when the time for Christ to come and gather His church Saints to Himself (rapture) has come and gone and the dark days of God’s wrath has begun to fall upon the earth, the glory of God will still shine forth through His people, Israel.

The Foreshadowing of the 144,000 Jewish Evangelists

We will visit more on this when John records in chapter 14, his vision of the three angels who will evangelize and encourage everyone to choose Christ.

“Then I saw another angel flying directly overhead, with an eternal gospel to proclaim to those who dwell on earth, to every nation and tribe and language and people. 7 And he said with a loud voice, “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come, and worship him who made heaven and earth, the sea and the springs of water.” (Revelation 14:6-7)

Look at what God did with eleven apostles of Christ under Roman persecution after the death of Christ. The New Testament records that thousands of people were coming to Christ when the apostles were sharing the gospel.

Just imagine for a moment, the power of God’s word coming from 144,000 Jewish evangelists under the persecution of a fallen world under the control of Satan. It will be nothing short of a revival.

The power of God and His word has never been stopped, is not being stopped and never will be stopped. And all the glory goes to our God and the power of His free gift of salvation through His Son Jesus Christ.

These Jewish evangelist are the final proof that God is a faithful God and He has not forsaken His people. He has not turned His back on the purpose of His people. And that is to be the glory of God to all nations. They will do just that in the last days.

This is why Replacement Theology has no leg to stand on. This false belief does nothing more than represent another attempt by man to create another religion by conforming God to their own beliefs. Instead of conforming themselves to God.

<< Rev. 6:12-17 “Meaning of Sixth Seal” | “12 Tribes of Israel in Revelation” Rev. 7:5-8 >>