Revelation 11:2-4 “Who Are the Two Witnesses in Revelation?”

Who Are the Two Witnesses in Revelation?

Bible Study Guide

Notice where the opening scene of this chapter takes place. This will help us understand who the two witnesses in Revelation are. It’ll help us also understand what the purpose is of these two mysterious evangelists.

The scene is Israel. As we move in closer, we see it begins in Jerusalem. As we zoom in closer, it becomes clear that John is measuring the third temple located on the Temple Mount. The Temple Mount that is located in the heart of the Old City of Jerusalem.

What’s so significant about this? First, it’s the most contested piece of real estate in the entire world. Second, it’s the center and focal point of God’s timeline for the entire world.

As Paul, the apostle for Christ liked to say, “to the Jew first, then to the Gentile.” All of God’s will centers in Jerusalem and from there goes out to all the world.

God’s Prophetic Timeline

If you really want to understand where we are on God’s prophetic timeline, you must keep your eye on the nation of Israel. More specifically, the Temple Mount. As the coming days, weeks, and months pass, we will see an increasing focus on the nation of Israel and the Temple Mount.

The October 7th, 2023 attack on Israel was directly related to the Temple Mount. There was a growing concern by the Muslims that surrounded the red heifers that were imported into Israel from America. These heifers are intended to be used for purification rituals for the third temple that the Jews want to build on the Temple Mount.

Thus, the reason for the attack. Also, why it was called the Al-Aqsa Flood. It was an attempt to protect the Al-Aqsa Mosque that sits on the Temple Mount and prevent the Jews from moving forward with their own ambitions for a Jewish Temple.

Why Jerusalem Will Need the 2 Witnesses of Revelation

(Verse 2) John is not only standing on the most contested plot of land in the world, he’s measuring the most contested non-existent building in the world. At least not existent today.

The Jews want to build their third temple on the Temple Mount. The Muslims refuse to give Jews access to the Temple Mount, let alone allow them to build another temple.

John being asked to measure the temple, foretells of the coming Third Temple. But look closely, he’s being asked not to measure the outer courts. Because the Gentiles will trample on the Holy City for 42 months.

Wait! Aren’t the Gentiles trampling on the Holy City today. The answer would be yes. But it also says that the outer courts of the temple will be given to them to trample on for 42 months. Since there is no Jewish Temple today which means there are no outer courts of the temple, this is referring to a future time when the third temple will be built.

So, it’s clear that these two witnesses of Revelation will need to have a temple built on the Temple Mount to serve their purpose. What is that purpose? We’ll get to that in a moment.

How Will the Third Temple Be Built?

When the man, scripture calls the antichrist, is revealed to the world it will be during the destruction and chaos of God’s wrath. People will be desperate for a world leader who can provide solutions to all their problems.

The antichrist is going to be that person. As he rises in the political ranks and gains the trust of people, they will gravitate to him for answers. He’s eventually going to address one of the most contentious problems facing the world. Israel and the Middle East.

He will form a covenant with many people and nations. He will some how, through this covenant convince the Muslims to allow the Jews to build their third temple on a plot of land on the Temple Mount. The Jews will consider this man a friend of Israel. In reality, he will be filled with deception and lies. Since his father is the devil, He will turn on the Jews in the very temple he help them build. This will take place at the midway point of the Tribulation period. Three and half years from the start and 42 months from the end.

It’ll be at this point that the antichrist will turn against the people of God. He’ll set himself up to be God and demand to be worshiped.

This context is important to understand in order that we can set the stage for the next several verses of Revelation 11.

Who Are the 2 Witnesses in Revelation?

(Verse 3) Then suddenly, it’s revealed to John that God will appoint two witnesses. These two witnesses will prophesy for 1,260 days in sackcloth. It’s important that we peel this apart bit by bit to explore the significance of this verse.

Did you notice that 42 months and 1,260 days represent the same amount of time? So why is John given two different measures for the same amount time? What’s the purpose of these two witnesses? Why are they dressed in sackcloth?

These are all really great questions. It’s crucial that we address all of this. But first, let’s see who these two witnesses in revelation are. Then we can address these questions and more.

The Mystery of the Two Witnesses in Revelation.

(Verse 4) Is the identity of these 2 witnesses a mystery or a secret? Let’s find out. We have a few clues so far. This verse will give us a few more. Will this be enough to solve this mystery?

John is told the two witnesses are “two olive trees” and “two lampstands, and they stand before the Lord of the earth.” These are good clues and can help us get closer to the answer.

Since scripture does not clearly reveal to us who these two individuals are, we’re left with one option. Let’s see if scripture can reveal to us who they are.

The clues to the 2 witnesses we have are these.

The scene is the temple in Jerusalem.
The characters are the Jews and the Gentiles of the area.
They’re there to prophecy.
Their ensemble is nothing more than sackcloth.
Olive trees and lampstands are the two symbolic representations of these 2 witnesses.

Based on what scripture teaches us from Genesis to Revelation, we could all come up with our own ideas as to who these two Revelation witnesses might be. But, we’re going to narrow it down the best we can based on the clues that John records.

Revealing the Two Witnesses in Revelation

Based on the scene, their purpose, and their target audience, these 2 witnesses are going to be Jews. Looking at their dress attire, this points to the possibility that they’re two former prophets of the Old Testament. Old Testament prophets were very familiar with wearing sackcloth while prophesying under God’s command.

The olives trees being symbols of the sovereignty of the nation of Israel reveals again that the two are Jews. The lampstands confirm that they will be the light of Christ shining on a very dark Tribulation induced world. But their focus will be specifically on the people and land of Israel.

They will serve as both prophets and evangelist. This will align with the evangelistic efforts of the 144,000 sent across the globe to be the lampstands to the world. Here are the likely options for the two witnesses based on the examination of several prominent Bible scholars.

Joshua & Zerubbabel

In Zechariah 3, Joshua is crowned a high priest by Zechariah the prophet under the command of God. This is not the same Joshua who lead the Israelites into the Promise Land. Zerubbabel was the governor of Judah and an ancestor in the lineage of Jesus. Both of these men traveled together from Babylon to help rebuild the temple and the city of Jerusalem.

Zechariah 4 mentions the two lampstands and two olive trees. This is referring to Joshua and Zerubbabel.

Elijah & Enoch

Both of these men are the only two characters of the Old Testament that never experienced physical death. They were both raptured into heaven. Both of these men had good standing with God. It also serves to be a foretelling of the rapture of Christ’ church of believers before the Tribulation.

“When the Lord was about to take Elijah up to heaven in a whirlwind, Elijah and Elisha were on their way from Gilgal. 11 As they were walking along and talking together, suddenly a chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared and separated the two of them, and Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind. 12 Elisha saw this and cried out, “My father! My father! The chariots and horsemen of Israel!” And Elisha saw him no more. Then he took hold of his garment and tore it in two.” (2 Kings 2:1, 11-12)

“Enoch walked faithfully with God; then he was no more, because God took him away.” (Genesis 5:24)

Elijah & Moses

Many believe these two are the strongest possibility for being the two witnesses in Revelation.

First, they’re both mentioned in the very last book of the Old Testament, Malachi.

Malachi, speaking from God is prophesying about the last days events of the Tribulation and the wrath that will come upon the earth. And he mentions both, Moses who represents the law of God and Elijah, the prophet. It appears that God is not finished with these two servants.

Also, both of these two men appear to Jesus at His transfiguration recorded in Matthew 17. Peter, James and John are all there standing near Jesus as this is taking place. There is one thing most interesting about this scene. Peter, who has never met Elijah or Moses, recognized both as they appeared and spoke with Jesus.

Only God could’ve revealed this to Peter.

While Scripture doesn’t clearly tell us who these two witnesses are, it gives us a few good ideas. To affirm any of these would not be a wise practice. It’s not for us to postulate but take only what the scriptures reveal and move on from there.

More important than who these two witnesses might be are what the purpose is. We’ll explore this in the next study guide.

Also, we need to address the difference between 42 months and 1,260 days. What’s the significance of this?

<< Revelation 11:1 “Revealing the Third Temple in Jerusalem” | “What’s the Purpose of the Two Witnesses?” Revelation 11:5-6 >>