Revelation 7:9-17 “Who Are the Great Multitudes In White Robes?”

Who Are the Great Multitudes in White Robes?

Bible Study Guide

(Verse 9) Here we are in the middle of the first interlude (pause) of God’s judgments. John records two separate visions. The first we just looked at in the previous study. This vision took place on earth as John describes. This next vision takes place in heaven as he gazes upon a great multitude in white robes.

John records two visions in two separate locations. Is it possible that these two different visions are connected in some fashion? It is and we’ll take a closer look and see.

More specifically, the location of this vision is around the throne of God. John sees a multitude of people that is beyond anyone’s ability to count. It’s not only the size of this crowd that we want to notice. But it’s the diversity of the crowd.

John notes the multitude is not represented by “some” of the nations, tribes, people, and languages. No, the text reads, “every” nation, tribe, people and language are represented and standing before the throne of God.

There was a time during the Old Testament days, that only the Levites (Jewish Priests) could enter the inner sanctuary of the Temple. Gentiles were not even allowed to enter the temple grounds.

But in this vision we see a very different reality. Both Gentiles and Jews are standing in the midst of the throne of the God of all creation.

Why would this diverse gathering of people be afforded the opportunity to stand in the presence of God? We’ll answer that in a moment.

White Robes and Palm Branches

The end of verse 9 gives us some clues as to who this great multitude of people are. John notices a very important detail of their ensemble. They’re wearing white robes. White robes have always been a sign of holiness and righteousness in the Bible.

But how is it possible for these multitudes to be worthy to wear the white robes of holiness and righteousness? Where do they come from and how are they made worthy?

I know what you’re thinking. We’ve posed several questions without any answers. It’s all about to be revealed in a moment.

John also notes that the multitudes he sees are holding palm branches. The symbol of palm branches holds various meanings throughout the Bible. They’re a symbol of triumph, petition for mercy and salvation, and for sacrificial giving. They’ve been used on Palm Sunday, during the Festival of Tabernacles (Booths) and now here as a symbol of salvation, gratitude and worship in the presence of God.

(Verse 10) Then the great multitude break out in a worship prayer.

“Salvation belongs to our God,
Who sits on the throne,
And to the Lamb.” (Revelation 7:10)

(Verses 11-12) John’s eyes move a little closer to where God sits and he witnesses all the angels standing around the throne, the elders and the four living creatures, and then begin a worship prayer for the one who sits on the throne.

“Amen! Praise and glory and wisdom
And thanks and honor and power and
Strength be to our God forever and ever. Amen!”
(Revelation 7:12)

What a glorious site of worship it must’ve been to see this happening in the throne room of God. I can just imagine how John felt in that moment to see such a glorious site.

Who Is the Multitude in White Robes?

(Verses 13-14) After this, one of the elders who sits around the throne reveals to John who this great multitude of white robed people are. “These are they who have come out of the great tribulation.”

These are the ones who have given their life to Christ in the midst of God delivering His wrath upon mankind during the Tribulation. The unfortunate reality of this scene is that they’ve become martyrs for their belief in Jesus. That’s right, they were killed while on earth after they stood for their belief.

In other words, those who become Christians during the Tribulation will be among the most hated people on earth. If you think that today’s hateful targeting of Jews and Zionist is bad, it’ll be nothing compared to what will be happening on earth during this time.

This is where is you want to take a moment to stop and praise Jesus for what He did for you on the cross. Be thankful that you have put your faith and trust in Him. Be rest assured that you will be taken away (raptured) before the great Tribulation even begins.

“Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth.” (Revelation 3:10)

How To Avoid Being a Tribulation Martyr?

If you have not given your life to Christ as of today, you may only have hours or days left to do it. The day of God’s wrath approaches quickly.

I know you see it. You look around and wonder, what in the world is going on. You know something is wrong, but don’t exactly know what. Now that you’re here, you do know what’s going on.

Nothing is falling apart. Everything is falling perfectly into place. Just the way He’s described for generations.

Recognize your sins. Ask Him to forgive your sins. Put your sincere faith and trust in Him and let Him guide your every path. He will never forsake you or abandon you. Do it today!

How Did the Great Multitudes Come to Deserve the White Robes?

“They have washed their robes and made them white
In the blood of the Lamb.” (Revelation 7:14)

Their robes were washed in the blood of Christ. The blood that was poured out on the cross for the salvation of mankind. So that those who believed could be reunited with God and made holy, righteous and worthy to one day stand in His presence and be presented to Him by Christ.

It was all by the work of Christ on the cross that they were made worthy to wear the white robes of righteousness and holiness. Nothing they did or could do could gain them salvation, but only the work and blood of Christ.

It is the same work and blood of Christ that made the church saints worthy to wear the white robe of salvation. The difference between these tribulation saints and the church saints is, the church saints chose to give their lives to Christ before the rapture. Those that remain will face God’s wrath but will still have the opportunity to come to Christ.

Why are they still given the opportunity to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior?

The one whom Jesus chose to be the foundation of the church (Peter the apostle) explains it well.

“The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”
(2 Peter 3:9)

His love and mercy for us is boundless and beyond understanding.

What Will the Great Multitude Receive?

(Verses 15-17) The great multitudes will receive the reward of the righteous and holy, along with eternal life with God. The life that He meant for all of us until we first sinned in the garden. The curse will be undone.

The protection of God will never leave their presence. There will be no such thing as hunger or thirst.

“Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb 2 down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.” (Revelation 22:1-2)

They will no longer be abused by the effects of the sun and it’s imposing radiation. Sorrow and sadness will never be a part of life in eternity. Jesus will be with them always and He will lead them.

While these verses give us comfort and joy in our faith in Christ, they barely scratch the surface to reveal what life in eternity will be like. The human mind probably couldn’t fully understand what it’ll be like. But Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians probably describes it best.

“However, as it is written:
“What no eye has seen,
what no ear has heard,
and what no human mind has conceived”—
the things God has prepared for those who love him—
(1 Corinthians 2:9)

What’s the Connection Between John’s Two Visions?

Finally, to address the last unanswered question from the beginning of this study.

Is there a connection between John’s first recorded vision on earth and the second recorded vision that takes place in heaven? Yes! Absolutely!

The second vision is a direct result of the first vision. The first vision shows God sealing the 144,000 Jewish evangelist to do the work of spreading the gospel of Christ throughout the world that’s currently under the wrath of God.

The second vision is to show the fruit that is being produced from the work of the 144,000. Because of the work of these Jewish evangelist, we see a multitude from all walks of life giving their lives to Christ. Because of their faith in Jesus, they’re made holy and righteous through the blood of Christ and given white robes as symbols of their holiness and righteousness.

All glory, and honor, and victory, and authority belongs to our God of Israel. And all His people say, Amen!

This brings us the end of the first Revelation interlude. Now we’ll turn our attention back to God’s wrath to witness Jesus open the last of seven seals. There’s a horrifying surprise about to be revealed in this last seal.

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