Revelation 14:1-4 “Who Are the 144,000 Redeemed Evangelists?”
Who Are the 144000 Redeemed Evangelists in Revelation 14?
Bible Study Guide
Are these 144000 redeemed evangelists the same as the 144000 in Revelation 7? They are but from a much different perspective. We’ll take a closer look in a moment.
This vision John sees is a flash-forward in time to a future event. This contrasts the visions of the events of the midway point of the Tribulation that John just witnessed in Revelation 13.
These next seven visions that John will gaze his eyes upon are not in chronological order. You could say they’re layered upon one another.

Have you ever used the panoramic feature in the camera on your phone? Most cellphones of today, if not all, have this feature. It allows you to take a picture by holding down the camera shutter button while you pan the horizon with your phone. You can do a 90 degree, 180 degree, or even a 360 degree pan. The camera will take one photo out of the area that you panned. This gives you a panoramic picture. Rather than seeing one mountain peak in a picture, now you can see all the peaks around you in one picture.
This panoramic view is exactly what John sees in these next seven visions. He can see all these things occurring at the same time. These are all the events that will bring to a close all of God’s prophecy of the wrath of Revelation upon an unbelieving mankind.
The Third and Final Interlude of Revelation
At this point in Revelation 14, we’re now entering what many consider to be the Third Interlude (pause). Pause from what, you ask? It’s a pause that gives the reader a chance to break away from the intensity of the visions and God’s wrath upon the earth. It turns the readers focus on what’s going on in heaven at this terrible time for the unbelievers on earth.
I imagine that John must find a bit of relief in these crucial breaks from the profound visions he’s being shown. John is estimated to be at least 90 years old. It’s likely he welcomes these moments that entail visions of the glory of God and the worship and praise taking place in the Throne Room.
These next seven visions that John will be shown are a preview of the events that are to come. Again, in no particular order.
A Flash-Forward to the 144000 and Mt. Zion
(Verse 1) In John’s first vision, it flashes forward to the end of the Tribulation Period. Then it shows the beginning of the one thousand year reign of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Mt. Zion has been the epicenter of Bible history and prophecy. Even today, as we draw nearer to the end of this age, world events are drawing closer to the center of it all, Jerusalem.
It was the capital city of David and the home of the Jewish Temple and king. It’s where God has chosen to reign forever. It will be the center of control, where Christ will reign during the one thousand year Millennium.
John see’s Christ upon his return at the Second Coming. He has company. A very special group of Jewish evangelist are standing next to Jesus. They hold a place of prominence as they have both, the name of Christ and the Father on their forehead.
Are These the Same As the 144000 in Revelation 7?
There is a debate among many scholars as to whether the 144,000 in Revelation 7 are the same 144,000 in Revelation 14.
Christian Theologian and former President of the Dallas Theological Seminary says this. “Preferable is the view that this is a prophetic vision of the ultimate triumph of the Lamb following His Second Coming, when He joins the 144000 on Mount Zion at the beginning of His millennial reign.”
This seems to be the prevalent view of most and the one the Bible points to. We’ll continue to do what we always do and encourage everyone studying the Bible to do, and that’s to allow scripture to interpret scripture.
The Bible gives no hint or indication that this is a different group of 144,000. Our heavenly Father is not a God of confusion. Since these are exactly the same number, it would stand to reason that an indication would be given to show they’re a different group of 144,000. But none is given.
In fact, their triumphant return to be with our Lord and Savior to receive their reward is a clear sign that this is the same group. It shows that they have accomplished what they’ve been commissioned to do in Revelation 7.
To worry about and chase after worldly thoughts beyond what God has given us is fruitless work. Moreover, it draws us away from the true meaning of God’s message. We should neither add nor retract anything given to us by God’s word.
The 144,000 in Revelation Praising and Worshiping
(Verse 2-3) As John gazes upon this group of 144,000, his ears pick up on a sound coming from heaven. As the heavenly choir breaks out in instrumental fashion, the 144,000 sing a song of praise and worship only they know.
What is so special about these 144000?
In Revelation 7, this same group out of the twelve tribes of Israel were chosen specifically to go out and evangelize to the earth’s unbelieving inhabitants in the midst of the Tribulation.
What’s the Virginity of the 144000
(Verse 4) This group of Jewish evangelists were special in that they had not defiled themselves in the eyes of God. The reference to them being virgins and not defiling themselves with women is not a physical reference.
While physical adultery is considered a sin, God’s concern here is with spiritual adultery against Himself. The woman referenced in this verse is symbolic of other gods. None of these 144,000 defiled themselves by worshiping any other god except the one true God of Israel.
The prophet Jeremiah spoke words from God on the virginity of Israel in the Old Testament.
“Speak this word to them:
“‘Let my eyes overflow with tears
night and day without ceasing;
for the Virgin Daughter, my people,
has suffered a grievous wound,
a crushing blow.” (Jeremiah 14:17)
“I will build you up again,
and you, Virgin Israel, will be rebuilt.
Again you will take up your timbrels
and go out to dance with the joyful.” (Jeremiah 31:4)
Paul, the apostle also spoke of the believer’s spiritual virginity in his second letter to the Corinthians.
“I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy. I promised you to one husband, to Christ, so that I might present you as a pure virgin to him.” (2 Corinthians 11:2)
The power and lies of Satan upon the people of the earth had no effect on them. God’s wrath that came down upon the planet did not harm them.
Christ was the firstfruit of the resurrection offered to God as an atonement for the sins of mankind. This carved a path for us, who believe in Christ and the atoning sacrifice on the cross for our sins, as the only way to be reunited with our heavenly Father.
These 144,000 walked through the jaws of the Tribulation, unharmed and preaching the gospel. They did not allow themselves to be defiled by the evil of the world. Their mission was accomplished. They now rightfully take their place next to Christ in preparation to reign with Him in the Millennial Kingdom.
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