What’s the Meaning of Jesus Being the True Vine?
Bible Study Guide
God spoke through the prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 5:1-7). He spoke of a vineyard that He planted and cultivated. He was going to watch this vineyard grow and bear much fruit. This vineyard He planted was the nation of Israel. The people He took out of Egypt and planted in the land of Canaan.
He said that the people of Judah, of the tribe of Judah were the vines that He delighted in. God was creating a nation that would bless all other nations. It would be a nation that would teach the world of the glories of God as mentioned in the book of Genesis.
“I will bless those who bless you,
and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all peoples on earth
will be blessed through you.”
(Genesis 12:3)
But we know that the nation of Israel and the people of Judah failed in their faithfulness to their God. Thus pointing the way to the One true Messiah that would come and bless the whole world with the glory of God and His free gift of salvation. Jesus is the true vine.
Is There a False Vine?
Yes, absolutely! Don’t fall into Satan’s trap of believing that God has abandoned His people, Israel. He has not abandoned them by any stretch of the imagination.
In fact, everything we see today and will see in the coming days will point to God’s land and His people. Israel has become and will continue to be the center stage of future prophecies. And even prophecies that are being fulfilled today before our eyes.
But there are false teachers preaching a false gospel that goes by the term Replacement Theology. This is a gospel according to the whims, fantasies and opinions of man and not based on the true word of God.
Paul makes this perfectly clear in his letter to the Romans (Romans 11:11-24). He explains the role of the Gentile as compared to the Jew.
It’s important for us to remember that while the Jews are being brought back into their land from all across the globe each and every day, this is just a physical restoration of the nation. There is a time reserved when they’ll be spiritually restored to the people God meant them to be. This will take place at the end of the Tribulation (Zechariah 12:10).
Who Is the True Vine?
(Verse 1) Jesus introduces Himself as the “True Vine.” This is the seventh of the seven great “I AM” statements that John records Jesus saying to His disciples.
I AM the bread of life (John 6:48).
I AM the light of the world (John 8:12).
I AM the gate for the sheep (John 10:7).
I AM the good shepherd (John 10:11).
I AM the resurrection and the life (John 11:25).
I AM the way (John 14:6).
I AM the true vine (John 15:1).
Jesus is the One and only true vine to replace all others. God is the caretaker and gardener of the vine.
(Verses 2-4) God keeps all the branches fruitful. Any that become unfruitful He trims. In order for a branch to remain alive (eternal life) it must remain attached to the vine (Christ). If the unfruitful branch (unbeliever) is trimmed off the vine then it’s bound for death (eternal death, second death).
If the branch (believer) holds firmly to the vine (Jesus) than the vine will hold firmly onto the branch and it will continue to grow in fruitfulness (holiness & righteousness). This is the Christian journey as we make our way to Christ, enduring patiently until He returns to gather His church (rapture) to Himself.
(Verses 5-6) Jesus emphasizes that a broken branch apart from the vine cannot survive. Mankind apart from Christ cannot attain salvation. There is no priest nor pastor that can help you gain salvation. No religious sacrament, ritual or repeated prayer can gain anyone salvation.
It’s through Christ and Jesus alone that can save. Not Jesus and something else, but the true vine alone. Through His shed blood on the cross for our sake shall we find salvation. Everything else is sinking sand.
Ask and You Shall Receive
(Verses 7-8) Jesus reemphasizes the petition and answer to prayers he mentioned in John 14:14. The one who remains firmly attached to the true vine (Christ) will have their prayers answered.
He reminds us here that the answer to prayers should always be requested in the name of Jesus and for the glory of God. We all tend to ask for things from time to time of God that might not necessarily bring Him glory.
It’s through faith that we come to believe and accept Christ. This gains us salvation because of what He did and not anything that we did. This grace of salvation produces in us “good works” for the glory of God and the advancement of the kingdom of God.
These are the prayers that God wants to answer for you and I. The good works that are produced from the love we have for God and the glory it brings Him.
Only the True Vine Can Offer Complete Joy
(Verses 9-11) Christians often ask, how can any Christian be filled with anxiety and fear of the future if they fully know Christ and understand the glories that God has in store for the believers? This is a very fair question.
In this passage, Jesus offers hope and joy to those who cling to the true vine. He’s not just joy to the believers. He completes the fullness of joy in all who love Him. This is not the same joy the world offers. Rather, it’s the completeness of joy in our hearts knowing all things rest with Christ.
Christ will expound on this a bit in the next chapter. These words will help us as we all grapple with our own personal troubles and seek to place our full trust in Jesus.
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
(John 16:33)
Love As I Have Loved You
(Verses 12-13) Jesus reminds His disciples of the command for love He left them with in chapter 13.
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
(John 13:34-35)
Here He explains to His disciples that the world will see them as believers and followers of Christ as they show boundless love for one another. In other words, they’re to stand apart from the world so that the glory of God can be shown through them.
Here in this chapter 15 passage, Christ raises the level of love that they should have for one another. The love they must carry in their hearts for each other is the kind of love that would cause them to lay down their own life for the other.
This may have been very difficult for the disciples to hear and accept. But we know this journey that these eleven men were on would bring them to the realization of what that meant. They would soon have the fortitude to meet this command given to them by Christ.
Christian Maturity
(Verses 14-17) What the disciples didn’t know at the time was that Jesus was foretelling of the coming of His death. A death on the cross to lay down His life for His eleven friends because of the love He had for each of them. And for all mankind for that matter.
This is why He makes it clear to them that they’re not His servants but are His friend. No true vine (true friend) would ask another friend to lay down his life for him unless he was willing to do the same for them.
In only a matter of a few days, this is exactly what Christ will do. He’s preparing them for the days ahead and what they’re about to witness. The disciples are about to come to the end of their immature beliefs in their Savior. They’re Christian growth and maturity is about to blossom. But first, there will be difficult days ahead of them.
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