John 2:23-25 “What Is Saving Faith?”
Bible Study Guide
What Is Saving Faith?
(Verses 23-25) In the days of Jesus, Jerusalem was a bustling city filled with many people. During the Jewish Passover, its population swelled to much greater numbers. Many of those who lived outside of Jerusalem came to worship and offer sacrifices at the temple. This included many foreigners as well.
The city of Jerusalem during the Passover Festival would’ve gathered many people to see and hear Jesus speak and perform miracles. Hundreds, if not many thousands of people came to believe in Jesus.
But What Did They Believe In?
It was clear to the crowds that Jesus was no ordinary man. To many, He was looked upon as a prophet. Especially to those who were familiar with the prophets of the Old Testament. Perhaps, others believed He had special powers likely from God.
Many of the Jews believed that Jesus was there to be their king and to bring them out from under the oppressive rule of the Romans. This is what they desired the most.
For many of the poor and foreigners traveling through the land, Jesus was a source of food security. Jesus loved to feed those who spent hours in the hot desert sun listening to Him speak. If they hadn’t experienced His food miracles yet, they would come to see the abundance of food that was available to the crowds.
Through the wonders and awe of His miracles as well as the miracles of food to feed the crowds, did they grasp the message of God’s kingdom that Jesus was teaching? Could they see through the amazement of His works? Was His message penetrating their hearts of stone?
If you could roam through the crowds that sat at the feet of Jesus and asked what they believed about Him, you would get a flurry of different responses. What exactly did all these people believe about Jesus?
Many simple looked for physical healing. While He was able to help the people in all of these ways, His purpose was much greater.
What Is a Saving Faith that Saves?
Jesus amazed many people by His miracles. Many came to believe that He was certainly someone special. Even a man sent by God. But did they have a faith in Him that could save them from the coming wrath and judgment that was coming upon all the godless people of the world.
Jesus wouldn’t entrust Himself to many in the crowds that followed Him. He knew what was in their hearts. What He saw In their hearts was not a saving faith. He was looking for those who would leave their old sinful lives behind. Those that would repent of their sins and put their full faith and trust in Him and in Him alone.
“I the Lord search the heart
and examine the mind,
to reward each person according to their conduct,
according to what their deeds deserve.” (Jeremiah 17:10)
The only way to salvation is through Christ our Lord. Your religion can’t save you. Only Jesus Christ can! Being a good person can’t save you. Only Jesus Christ can! Repentance and full reliance on Christ is the only way back to God.
This is the message of the kingdom of God.
Notice how John transitions from the end of chapter 2 to begin chapter 3. John closes chapter 2 by describing those who don’t have a saving faith. Then, he begins chapter 3 with the same theme. But he gets more specific by using Nicodemus as one who lacks a saving faith.
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