John 5:28-30 “Today If You Hear His Voice”
Today If You Hear His Voice
Bible Study Guide
(Verses 28-30) Let’s look closely at these verses and compare them to what Jesus just said in verses 24-25. Can you see the transition taking place between these two sets of verses? What can we draw from what Jesus is trying to explain.
In verses 24-25, Jesus speaks of those hearing His words and accepting Him as their Lord and Savior. Those who do will find their way from death (unbelief) to eternal life. But for those who don’t, they will hear a different voice calling them from death (grave). This death is a physical death.
Take careful notice of what He’s saying. Jesus is telling those who are alive but don’t believe, if they hear His voice and harden not their hearts they will be saved.
If they choose not to hear His voice but choose to harden their hearts they will not be saved. Instead, when they pass away they will hear a voice calling them from the grave. This voice of God will be heard at the end of the age. Then all will be resurrected and face judgment. This is not a voice that anyone will have the ability to exempt themselves from.
I Hear His Voice But…
Have you ever been in a conversation and your sharing the gospel of Jesus with someone? Especially if your sharing some of the things that will take place in the last days. Then somewhere along in the conversation, the other person seems to lose interest in your sharing of the gospel. They blurt out something to the effect of, “It doesn’t matter, when I’m dead I won’t have to worry about any of that stuff!”
So many people think that it’s all over when they die and they don’t have to answer for anything. As if death is some hiding place where unbelievers can hide out and avoid any repercussions of their unbelief.
This idea could not be any further from the truth.
In verse 28, Jesus says look, don’t be amazed by what I just told you in verses 24-25 about how I will save you from death if you accept my teaching. Listen carefully, I’m about to tell you something even more amazing than that.
Listen carefully! Everyone that has ever been born and then passed away will be resurrected at the end of the Millennial Kingdom or before. That’s right! You heard me correctly, everyone will be resurrected from the grave. Then each person, good or bad will have to account for their deeds and will face eternal life or condemnation.
Will You Hear His Voice
There are three distinctly different events spoken of by Jesus in verses 28-29. When you hear His voice and if you accept His voice, will make a big difference in which event you will be a part of.
Hear His Voice Before the Tribulation
If you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior before the events of the Tribulation begin, you’ll be a part of the rapture or the resurrection of those who have passed away believing in Jesus Christ.
All of these will be brought into eternal life.
Hear His Voice During the Tribulation
If you come to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior during the Tribulation, you will not be condemned to eternal death but will be resurrected at a future time. I don’t recommend waiting this long to come to Christ. In the Tribulation, you’ll face the wrath that will come upon the world to test the inhabitants of earth. Then you will be persecuted for your belief.
Those who have died before Jesus Christ came to earth to save mankind, but believed in God, will be resurrected after the Tribulation when Jesus returns.
If You Choose Not To Hear His Voice
You’re time will be reserved for after the Millennial Kingdom. Then all remaining people in the grave will be resurrected to face judgment. The foolish notion of imaging you have nothing to worry about after you pass away is exactly that, a foolish notion.
Actually, if you haven’t accepted Christ by the time you pass away, you have a lot to worry about. Unfortunately, worrying will not save you.
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