John 1:1-5 “The Word Became Flesh”
The Word Became Flesh
Bible Study Guide
(Verses 1-5) John wastes no time in establishing that Jesus is the Son of God. He was not just a man born in Bethlehem or a New Testament prophet. He is the Son of God.
In the beginning was Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ was with God and Jesus Christ was God. This might not be what is written in your Bible but this is what is meant by this opening passage.
Notice the “Word” is capitalized. Meaning that it’s not referencing any word but the “Word” who is Jesus Christ. The Bible (God’s Word) is God’s revelation of Jesus Christ to mankind, from the beginning to the end. And Jesus is the revelation of God’s plan for mankind.
Therefore, the life of Christ is the exegesis of the Father.
In the original Greek text John uses the word “logos” in place of “word.” Word is the English translation of “logos.” In Jesus’ day, Greek philosophers defined logos as the fundamental principle behind the way the universe functioned.
Jesus was in fact the fundamental way the universe functioned. All things were created by Him and through Him.
“Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made.” (John 1:3)
By the use of the word “logos” John knew his readers would understand what he meant. Logos (the Word) (Jesus) is the second person of the Trinity become flesh in humanity to reveal full deity and to make full contact between God and mankind possible.
In other words, Jesus was there at the beginning with the Father bringing creation into existence. Therefore, He is God and predates creation being eternal in nature.
The Word (Jesus) That Came to Offer Life
John tells us that in Jesus there is life. It is eternal life. A life attained only through salvation offered by God through the Son. Jesus came to be a light in a dark world. He came to overcome the darkness not to restore this world but give us access to an eternal life in a world for which we were created for.
We are eternal creatures because we were made in the image of God. But separated from God by sin, we lost access to this world. Christ came to overcome this world to bridge the chasm that exists between a sinful mankind and God.
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)
The Word became flesh when He was born in Bethlehem and came into the world. Therefore, He was fully God and fully human. This made it possible to make full contact with mankind and full contact with God so that we might make full contact with an eternal life through Christ with God.
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