The Two Witnesses and the Beast
Bible Study Guide
Is there more than meets the eye to the two witnesses and the beast (antichrist)? Do they have a past? Was this future event foretold?
When Israel was attacked on Oct. 7th, 2023, it unleashed a surprising global response. After seeing the brutal, unhinged, maniacal, and vile evil perpetrated against the Jewish people, it would’ve been expected to see a global response of support and sympathy for Israel.
It was the exact opposite. The influence of the beast in this world unleashed a sickening response of hate against the Jews. A response of hate that turned to jubilation for the horrific acts against the people of Israel.
God’s Perfect Timing
(Verse 7) Did you notice when these two witnesses were killed? It’s after they’ve completed their task given to them by God to finish their testimony. This may not appear to be a scene where God is in control. Rest assured, God is in full control of all that is happening.
The 2 witnesses give their testimony, the word of God goes out to the lost people of Israel. Not before they’re finished will they be destroyed by the beast.
“so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” (Isaiah 55:11)
Watch carefully. We’re going to notice some similarities to the death of Jesus and the death of these two witnesses.
The Beast Will Oppose a Jewish Tradition
(Verses 8- 9) It’s Jewish tradition to bury their dead within 24 hours of their passing. It’s a sign of shame and dishonor to wait beyond this time.
The bodies of these 2 evangelists will lay at the epicenter of all prophecy. Where it all began and where it will all come to a close. They will lie in the city of Jerusalem.
These two will be hated by the world. They’ll be looked upon as two goody two shoes spreading their religion to people who have absolutely no interest. The people in the world will be driven mad listening to what they consider foolish nonsense.
“because these two prophets had tormented those who live on the earth.” (Revelation 11:10)
The word of their death will spread like wildfire. Phones will be beeping and vibrating across the globe with welcoming news alerts of their demise. No tears will be shed for these two witnesses.
Video’s of their death will be captured and uploaded. The videos will go viral. In a moments time, the world will know and gaze at them shamefully rotting on a street in Jerusalem.
The Dragon (Satan) Will Cause a Celebration
(Verse 10) Instead of feeling sympathetic for the brutality that ended their life, something different will happen. No one will run to their aid to try and revive them. CPR will not be a thought that will come to anyone’s mind. No one will shout for a doctor.
Rather, they will celebrate. I’m not talking about jumping in the air and shouting for joy. Oh no, they’ll take their celebration to a whole new level. They’ll give each other gifts.
Christ was not welcomed by His own people. These two will not be welcome by their own fellow Jews. No harm could come to Christ during His three year ministry. In similar fashion, no harm could come to these two evangelist until their evangelistic ministry was completed.
Just as Christ was brutally murdered after completing the work of His Father, so too will these two Jewish evangelist be brutally murdered for their innocence after their work is done.
The world celebrated the birth of Christ when God sent Him into our world to offer salvation to the believers. The Dragon (Satan) will oppose and invert that event and cause his followers to celebrate the death of the two witnesses God has sent to offer His words of salvation. They will even give one another gifts.
On Oct. 7th, 2023, only moments after the depraved and evil attack by Hamas on the neighboring Kibbutz’s of Israel, celebration ensued. Men could be seen in the streets of Gaza offering celebratory baked goods as gifts to people passing by.
Is this a coincidence or the foretelling of a near future event described here in Revelation 11? It’s a foretelling of the influence from the same Dragon (Satan) who opposes all things of God.
God Is Not Finished With the Two Witnesses
(Verses 11-12) The beast (antichrist), Christ will finish with him later in Revelation. But God is not finished with His two witnesses.
When Christ was crucified on a tree, the Dragon (Satan) thought he had finally defeated Him. He was gravely mistaken upon Jesus’ resurrection. Here also, the beast thinks that he has defeated God’s two servants.
Again, the beast is found to be wrong. We see that God has been in control of the entire situation and is still in control.
As news of the two dead witnesses spreads, images are found on every news outlet. Then suddenly fear strikes all those who are staring at the bodies. Someone notices one of the bodies move. Then both bodies begin to move and eventually stand on their feet.
Two bodies that were in the street rotting away for three and a half days are now alive. Not only alive, millions of eyes are watching them rise to heaven on a cloud. God calls upon them to return home and the world is experiencing a moment of “shock and awe.”
The Work of the Two Witnesses Against the Beast
(Verse 13) The beast is allowed by the hand of God to do his depraved work so that the desire and purposes of God could be accomplished. It appear that the beast is in control, but it’s quite the opposite.
The entire scene of the beast and the 2 witnesses culminates toward the final verse of this passage. First, we see judgment come upon the city of Jerusalem. A tenth of the city collapses and seven thousand people perish.
Second and most importantly, those who survived gave glory to the God of heaven and earth. God’s desire is fulfilled and His purpose and will is accomplished. People were saved by seeing God’s act of love through these 2 witnesses. Again, we see these events pointing to that beautiful verse in the book of Isaiah.
“so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
And achieve the purpose for which I sent it. (Isaiah 55:11)
We can see parallel’s between the two witnesses and when the eleven apostles and witnesses to Christ spread the gospel through Judea, Samaria and the rest of the world.
“Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day.” (Acts 2:41)
“But many who heard the message believed; so the number of men who believed grew to about five thousand.” (Acts 4:4)
Who can stop the word of God from accomplishing its purpose? Not one!
End of the Second Interlude of Grace
This scene ends the second interlude of grace. It also brings the second “woe” to completion. There is still the third and last “woe” to come.
Now it’s time to rejoin our regularly scheduled program and continue with the judgments of God upon the earth. Let’s watch closely to see what the 7th trumpet will bring.
<< Revelation 11:5-6 “What’s the Purpose of the Two Witnesses?” | “The Seventh Trumpet and the Coronation” Revelation 11:15-19 >>