John 11:45-57 “The Plot Against Jesus”

Explore the Plot Against Jesus

Bible Study Guide

(Verse 45) John opens up this passage by beautifully reminding us of an important truth. In all of Jesus’ teachings, He’s quietly winning hearts and converting those in the crowd to follow Him.

Although we witness from scene to scene, the growing animosity between Jesus and the religious leaders and other nonbelievers, God is still drawing people to Himself. The words coming from the mouth of Christ serve perfectly the intention for which they were sent. To draw those God has chosen to follow His son.

“so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”
(Isaiah 55:11)

(Verse 46) Just as we’ve repeatedly seen, Christ’ words strike the crowds like a sharp two edge sword. Dividing between the believers and the nonbelievers, between those who see and those who cannot see, and those who can hear the Word of God and those who cannot.

“Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn
“‘a man against his father,
a daughter against her mother,
a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—
a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.” (Matthew 10:34-36)

One group comes to believe and follow Christ and the other goes to report what they’ve seen to the Pharisee’s as they’re requested to do so.

Protecting Their Religion and Status

(Verse 47-48) Remarkably, the Pharisee’s admit to the obvious truth.

“Here is this man performing many signs.”
(John 11:47)

They’ve witnessed incredible signs performed by Jesus. Not only that, they’re intimately familiar with the Old Testament teachings, especially Isaiah the prophet, that the Messiah would come among them and perform these signs. Yet, they are blatantly blind to the very teachings that they purport to be the authorities on.

The religious leaders were intent on only one thing. They were out to protect their religion that provided them with status, wealth and authority over the Jews. And as long as they did this quietly while still recognizing that Caesar was the king, all was good with the Romans.

This is how the Jews were allowed to survive under Roman rule. They never tried to recruit new Jews or get people to follow them and turn attention away from the Emperor. The Jews did their thing within the framework of their Jewish culture and traditions, and the Romans left them to do their thing.

Then here comes Jesus, whom people begin to recognize as the Messiah and their King who will remove them from under the oppression of the Roman ruling party. Jesus is drawing more and more followers to Himself. This is certainly going to disrupt the harmony that the Jews have been able to attain while living within Roman rule.

The Sanhedrin was very involved in politics and were in league with the Roman ruling authorities. They were against Jesus and His teachings.

This threatened to destroy the perfect little quiet religious system the Jewish leaders had going for themselves. This is why they began to seriously plot against Jesus.

Who Was Caiaphas?

(Verse 49-53) Caiaphas was a Roman appointed leader (high priest) of the Sadducees. He was also a strong opponent of the teachings of Jesus. The Sadducee’s also stood in opposition of the Pharisee’s as they didn’t believe in the afterlife and existence of spiritual things in the heavenly realm.

Caiaphas was the son-in-law of Annas. Both played a significant part in the death of Jesus. As we’ll see in the coming chapters, it was Caiaphas who made the final public ruling on Jesus’ death sentence.

When we examine people like Caiaphas, we can come to learn about their character that helps us to understand why they did the things they did. But it’s more important that we peek behind the veil that separates our world from heavenly things. We should take a closer look to understand who’s in control.

Choosing the Least Likely of Them All

Even when it doesn’t make any sense. Throughout biblical history, God has always used the most unlikely people to achieve His desires and accomplish His will, not ours. Those we would have chosen for a purpose would not be the ones that God would choose.

“Who has known the mind of the Lord?
Or who has been his counselor?”
(Romans 11:34)

From Daniel being the least likely chosen to be the next king of Israel, up to Caiaphas and even today. The Lord uses the most unlikely according to human standards, people and events to serve His purpose and will. Even if we don’t agree with it.

Examine Oct. 7, 2024 closely and you’ll see how God is working even today to shape events of our world.

His story is unfolding before us according to His will and not ours.

A leader among Jesus’ own people who is very familiar with the coming of the Messiah, is used to impose a death sentence that is about to change the world.

Caiaphas is the spark that ignites the flame.

The Plot Against Jesus Ends His Public Ministry

(Verses 54-57) With the plot against Jesus to kill Him becoming very real, this essentially ends His public ministry. His time is at hand with only days before He faces His false accusers.

He withdraws with His disciples to a more secluded region of Israel to prepare for his journey back amongst His people in Jerusalem.

<< John 11:17-44 “Jesus Reverses the Death of Lazarus” | “The Anointing of Jesus” John 12:1-12 >>