What’s the Meaning of the Fifth Seal of Revelation?
Bible Study Guide
(Verse 9) The only One worthy to open the scroll unbinds the fifth seal of Revelation.
I’ve often heard the question posed, “Where do Christians go when they die?” The Bible refers to death of Christians as “falling asleep.” Because the first death is temporary. It is followed by everlasting life.
The Bible is not clear as to where the soul resides during the period between physical death of the body and the rapture of the believers (church body). It’s not purgatory. Purgatory does not exist. This is no more than an idea of man and has no foundation in God’s Word.
We know that there is a place in heaven where the soul will reside until Christ returns to gather His church to himself. At that point, the entire church body of believers, both asleep and alive, will be gathered to Christ. They will be with Him forever.
The Bible teaches us that their is order in all of God’s work. God has a time and season, and a purpose and reason for all things. This is certainly the case with the souls that John sees under the altar.
As John’s vision turns momentarily to heaven, He’s witnessing the effects of what is currently happening on earth in the terrible tribulation.
First thing we know about these souls is that they stood up for the word of God. The second thing we know is that they died for their belief in God and His Son.
How are they different from the rest of the believing souls? Great question! Let’s explore.
How to Avoid Being a Part of the Fifth Seal of Revelation
If you have not repented of your sins and accepted Christ and put your full faith and trust in Him by the time of the rapture, you’ll be one of many inhabitants of the earth that will remain. You will be tested by God’s wrath for seven years.
While you’ll not get another chance to avoid the terrible events that are going to occur during the tribulation, you will still have a chance at salvation. God’s love for His creation will still extend to those left behind. They will endure horrible events that our planet has never experienced.
The souls that John is seeing in his vision are the souls of those who have been left behind after the rapture. The rapture is likely to trigger one of the greatest revivals of human history.
All of those people that have been left behind who listened to their mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, pastors, neighbors or even evangelizers on You Tube speak of Jesus but refused to accept His words will come to realize that what they heard was true.
Many of these people will finally repent of their sins, accept Christ as their Lord and Savior. Then, they will be saved. Here’s the catch! They will be hunted down, persecuted, and killed for their faith.
“Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me.” (Matthew 24:9)
Some people refer to this as the “school of hard knocks.” If you think hatred for Jews and Christians is bad now. Wait until the tribulation when evil rises to a level never seen before in the history of mankind.
Today, most of the hate is talk. In the days of God’s wrath it will be action.
A Time and Season, a Purpose and a Reason
So, in order to avoid God’s ensuing punishment for rejecting His gift of salvation, you must accept Christ before the rapture. You’ll be flying first class into the arms of our Lord and Savior to the place He has prepared for all true believers.
“And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.” (John 14:3)
“Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth.” (Revelation 3:10)
So if you’re a second chance believer and martyred for your faith in Christ, you can find yourself safe in the embrace of heaven. You will not be a part of the raptured church. Thus, the process you’ll follow will be a bit different from those raptured before the tribulation.
Remember, there’s a reason and a purpose for all believers depending upon how and when they came to believe.
(Verses 10-11) John could see the souls under the altar crying out to God for Him to avenge their death for their faith in Him. But the voice speaking to the souls makes it clear that they must wait for all of those who will come to faith. They must wait for those martyred during the terrible seven years of wrath.
Again, nothing is random according to God’s plan. There’s a time and season, a purpose and a reason for all His plans. These souls are learning that this is the case for them as well.
No More Chances
While the coming of the rapture will afford people left behind on earth a second chance at embracing God’s free gift of salvation, this is not the best plan to come to have faith and trust in Christ. Avoiding being a part of the fifth seal of Revelation is a good plan to have.
The good news is that there is a second chance.
Many fear death at some point in there life for many different reasons. The least of all those reasons is the loss of something that leaves behind no second chance at salvation.
The most feared thing in death is the loss of our physical life and the death and decay of the body. Unfortunately, this should not be the case. The thing most feared about death should be the end of any opportunity. An opportunity to come to believe in the one true Savior, Jesus Christ.
If you have not come to accept Christ as your Lord and Savior at the last breath in your lungs and last beat of your heart, your destiny is secured eternally. There is no second chance after death. Especially once you’re resurrected and witness what’s in store for those who’ve rejected God and His Son Jesus Christ.
This should be the most feared thing about death. Otherwise, death is nothing more than gain.
“For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” (Philippians 1:21)
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