Revelation 1:17-20 “The Glorified Body of Jesus”
The Glorified Body of Jesus
Bible Study Guide
(Verse 17) John may have recognized his old friend for a moment. He may have even recognized His voice a bit. But John quickly realized that this was not the same Jesus that he knew when He walked with John as his teacher.
When John gazed for the first time on the one that was “someone like a son of man,” this was the glorified Jesus. John was casting his eyes on the almighty powerful and glorified body of his best friend and Lord, Jesus.
Let’s remember, it’s estimated that John was about 90 years old around the time Jesus appeared to reveal the details of the last days. He was no spring chicken. Although God was sustaining him for this season and this reason, he was still an old fella.
Christ appearing in all His glory with the almighty power of God would’ve made a man half John’s age tremble at the knees. In John’s case, he fell at Jesus’ “feet as though dead.” It’s likely John was trembling from head to toe.
(Verse 18) It only took Jesus’ loving touch on His disciple “that He loved” and that voice that John was so familiar to bring calm with these words.
“Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last. I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.” (Revelation 1:17-18)
“Do Not Be Afraid”
After that fearful moment, an overwhelming feeling of joy may have filled John’s senses as he came to the reality that He was in the presence of his Savior.
Jesus tells John not to be afraid because He is the One who was before all of creation and He is the One that will be after all creation passes away. He says to John not to fear because He has conquered death and “holds the keys of death and Hades.”
The Glorified Jesus Gives the Command to Write
(Verse 19) Jesus wastes no time in giving John the all important command of writing down everything he sees. In other words, My message is not just intended only for you or for the seven churches of Asia Minor. What I’m about to show you is meant for all people of all generations in order that they may discern the times of the end.
This will be signified but how Jesus closes each of His letters to the seven churches by repeating these extremely important words.
“Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”
(Revelation 2:7, 11, 17, 29, 3:6, 13, 22)
In other words, what I’m saying in these letters is of utmost importance. Read it. Ponder it and apply it.
John is given the command to write “what you have seen.” This would begin with the appearing of the glorified body of Jesus and continue through all the visions he’s about to witness.
He’s also asked to write “what is now.” These words would include all seven letters to the churches. These will serve as letters of encouragement as well as warnings about falling away from the true path to Christ. These letters are still current and in play today. They will continue to be current through the rapture and the Second Coming of Christ. It will include all the details of what will be cast upon the eyes of John as he’s taken into the Spirit.
Lastly, John is commanded to put to parchment “what will take place later.” This will be the events that will be triggered by the removal of the restrainer (Holy Spirit) and the rapture of the church. It’ll include all the events that will occur through the tribulation. Then will lead through the Millennial Kingdom of Christ and up through the new heaven and new earth.
It’s All About the Glorified Body of Jesus
It’s important that we understand where the words of Revelation come from. Revelation is not a compilation of John the apostles thoughts and ideas of the last days. John is the writer. He’s the one with the quill and the bottle of ink and the parchment laid out before him. His responsibility is to turn visions into words.
The words that come from the visions that John puts to paper are all from Jesus. From the first chapter of the Bible (Genesis 1) to the very last chapter of the Bible (Revelation 22) is from Christ, through Christ, and for Christ. Thus all the words written by John in Revelation come from Christ.
(Verse 20) John closes this passage with Jesus revealing what the seven stars represent. Remember Jesus spoke of the seven stars in verse 16. Here He explains that the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches. There is one angel for each church. These are also known as the messengers of God.
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