Revelation 13:11-13 “The Beast Out of the Earth & the Unholy Trinity”
Who’s the Beast Out of the Earth and the Unholy Trinity?
Bible Study Guide
(Verse 11) As if the first beast wasn’t enough, John sees a second beast out of the earth. Why does the world need another beast during this terrible time?
First, let’s maintain proper context. It’s easy to become enthralled in all the captivating imagery and symbolism of the dragon and the beast in Revelation 13. Just like symbols we find throughout Revelation, this chapter is packed full.
Second, it’s important that we understand that these symbols of beasts represent literal human figures that will manifest themselves during this midway point of the Tribulation. People of this time are not going to see frightful looking beasts roaming the earth going after Jews and Christians. They’re symbols of actual people.

It’s important that we mention this so that we don’t allow our imaginations take us on an allegorical journey, creating our own side stories of what God is communicating to John, through Jesus by an angel. This world is filled with too many of these false teachers leading people astray. Adhere to and trust only God’s word.
So, back to our regularly scheduled program. Who is this second beast out of the earth that John sees in his vision?
As I’ve mentioned, the book of Daniel the prophet serves as a great prerequisite to the study of the events of Revelation. In the case of this other beast John sees coming out of the earth, Daniel makes no mention of it. This is one beast of many that Daniel is not given to see.
This second beast is a false prophet.
What is the Unholy Trinity?
We don’t learn of his identity until Revelation 16. Let me clarify. He’s going to be a counterfeit. This is part of the Satan’s work to imitate God. The appearing of this false prophet will complete the dragon’s (Satan) attempt to create his own counterfeit unholy trinity.
This is another step in Satan’s plan to imitate God. Remember, there is nothing original about Satan. The best he’s capable of doing is imitating God. This unholy trinity will be the means to his end of creating a one world religion. He needs followers. He needs lots of them quickly, because his end is coming ever so quickly (3.5 years).
Notice, he appears meek and mild with two horns of a lamb, but he speaks like the dragon (Satan). In fact, he’ll get all of his power from Satan. He’ll speak the words of Satan. While he’s pointing people to the Antichrist.
This is Satan’s counterfeit version of God’s Holy Spirit.
At this time, the world will have been introduced to the this unholy trinity. Remember, Satan just pulled off the greatest deception in history. He just performed a counterfeit resurrection with the Antichrist.
The world was completely “wowed’ and left in utter amazement at the dragon’s (Satan) work. By now, the world is circulating viral videos of the counterfeit resurrection of the first beast (Antichrist). Social media is flooded with videos and talk of what Satan is doing. All the while, he’s about to unleash his war against Jews and Christians.
They Will Not Reject the Unholy Trinity
Masses of people around the globe are beginning to follow Satan and the Antichrist. They’re also urging others around them to do the same. They can’t help but marvel at his works and they’re in desperate need of a leader. The world is in absolute chaos and destruction under God’s wrath. This unholy trinity is going to be the answer to their unholy prayers.
Remember, these people that are currently inhabiting the planet have witnessed the worse devastation the earth has ever seen. The wrath of God has been poured out upon them for the past three and half years and they have chosen to continue to reject God. But they will embrace with both arms the prince of this world, the unholy trinity of the beasts and the dragon.
Jesus warned of this in John’s gospel account.
“I have come in my Father’s name, and you do not accept me; but if someone else comes in his own name, you will accept him.” (John 5:43)
The worse of God’s wrath is yet to come.
The Beast Out of the Earth and the Work of the Unholy Trinity
(Verse 12) The goal of this second beast is clearly laid out by John. Just as the one true Holy Spirit holds the power of God and points Christians toward Christ, the second beast will imitate the same.
The second beast (false prophet) out of the earth will exercise the power of the first beast (Antichrist). Notice that the second beast doesn’t ask the inhabitants of the earth to worship the first beast (Antichrist). It says he made them worship the first beast. The first beast is the one who experienced the fake death and the fake resurrection.
This is only the beginning of forcing the masses to do exactly as he demands. This will not at all resemble a republic or democracy. No one will get to vote. It’ll come down to worshiping the beast (Antichrist) or death.
Since that day in the garden when the dragon (Satan) deceived Eve into thinking that she would be like God if she ate of the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden. Satan, in the Tribulation will continue to use his most powerful weapon against mankind, deception.
Christians who are aware of this and the things to come, already see deception rising at an increasingly alarming level. Those who are not of God and don’t believe in His son Jesus Christ will not see this deception. They’ll think everything is fine.
Many of us have already experienced this in our own families and the blindness of those who don’t believe and follow Christ.
A Counterfeit Fire From Heaven
(Verse 13) The evil powers of the unholy trinity will now be working in concert with one another. The beast out of the earth will begin to perform incredible signs to amaze and cause people to marvel and continue to come to worship the Antichrist.
Once again, in this verse we see another counterfeit sign by this beast out of the earth. He’s going to cause fire to come down from heaven upon the earth.
This is another of Satan’s attempts through his false prophet (second beast) to imitate God’s beloved prophet Elijah. Elijah was the only Old Testament prophet that never experienced death, but was raptured by God into heaven. He was also the only prophet that God had given power to call fire from heaven to rain down upon the earth.
“Answer me, Lord, answer me, so these people will know that you, Lord, are God, and that you are turning their hearts back again.”
38 Then the fire of the Lord fell and burned up the sacrifice, the wood, the stones and the soil, and also licked up the water in the trench.
39 When all the people saw this, they fell prostrate and cried, “The Lord—he is God! The Lord—he is God!” (1 Kings 18:37-39)
“Elijah answered the captain, “If I am a man of God, may fire come down from heaven and consume you and your fifty men!” Then fire fell from heaven and consumed the captain and his men.” (2 Kings 1:10)
Many Will Be Deceived By the Beast Out of the Earth
Satan is the father of lies. There is no truth in him. He will build his one world religion through the deception of this unholy trinity and his followers will gather around him. They will in turn deceive others into following him. This will be a time of incredibly unbridled evil.
The Jews will be very familiar with Elijah’s power of reigning fire upon the earth given to him by God. This impressively evil counterfeit act will cause many Jews to follow the Antichrist. Some may look at him as a friend of the Jews. It’s possible that some may even look upon him as the Messiah, if the Antichrist happens to be a Jew.
It’s difficult to believe that any Jew would consider the Antichrist their Messiah unless he was a Jew himself. Do we know if the Antichrist is going to be a Jew?
<< Rev. 13:4-10 “The Beast of Revelation Out of the Sea Will “Wow” the World” |