Revelation of Jesus Christ
Bible Study Guide
(Verse 1) Revelation is the English translation of the ancient Greek word apokalupsis. It means “to reveal, to disclose, to uncover.”
It’s from this word we get the English word apocalypse. Apocalypse is often used to refer to cataclysmic or catastrophic events of or relating to the “end of the world.”
John makes clear from the first sentence that this book is not the work of his own. This revelation of Jesus Christ is a message sent by God through His Son. He quickly makes known who should receive this revelation. The intended recipients of the message are those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
John indicates that what is being revealed “must soon take place.” We are witnessing today the convergence of all prophecy spoken of by both Old Testament prophets, and Jesus and His apostles. The proximity of this revelation coming to fruition before us today can be clearly seen.
We are the generation that shall not pass away before all these things spoken of by Jesus in His Olivet Discourse have taken place. We are witnesses to just how soon these Revelation events will occur.
Can I Get a Witness?
(Verse 2) John the Baptist came into the world to testify to the Light (Jesus Christ) that was coming into the world for the salvation of mankind. Now we will explore how John the apostle will testify to what Jesus is about to do during the last seven years of this age immediately before His Second Coming.
Remember, John, the one whom Jesus loved, needed no convincing of who Jesus was. The central theme of his gospel demonstrated that Jesus the man was also fully God as described in John 1:1. From the beginning of John’s life, God was preparing him for what he was about to witness.
Can I Get a Blessing?
(Verse 3) The book of Revelation was meant to be read. It was also meant to be understood and shared. Why is it then, that it’s not read or taught in the majority of the churches today? Nor is it not understood as it’s meant to be. Why do so many pastors avoid the revelation of Jesus Christ? Why is it also the book most dangerously distorted by false teachers? These are all valid questions that will be answered as we continue on our exploration journey through this revelation.
This book is the only one in the entire Bible that offers a blessing if it’s read, understood and shared. Wait, there’s more! It not only opens with the encouragement of a blessing but it also closes with another blessing. Yes, that’s two blessings in one book.
Can I Get Two Blessings?
The book of revelation already beat the record for the most blessings by a book in the Bible with the first blessing. God makes it clear that in case you missed the importance of the first blessing, let me add another at the end.
Two blessings in one very important book. The last book of the Bible. So again, why are so many religious leaders absent when it comes to teaching their congregation about this revelation? I know you’re itching for the answer to these questions. We’ll get them answered soon.
God made His point very clear back in the book of Isaiah of the importance of looking ahead of what He is going to do while not forgetting the things He has already done.
“Remember the former things, those of long ago;
I am God, and there is no other;
I am God, and there is none like me.
I make known the end from the beginning,
from ancient times, what is still to come.
I say, ‘My purpose will stand,
and I will do all that I please.’ (Isaiah 46:9-10)
God is telling His people to remember the things that He’s done. But more importantly, I’m telling you about the things I’m going to do. Look, I’ve told you about these things way back in ancient times. So as you’re walking on your Christian journey toward Christ, don’t do it looking back. Look forward at the things I told you I’m going to do. Everything that I said I’m going to do, I will do it. In fact, He’s doing it right now.
This will all become much clearer to you as we journey and explore more of Revelation.
Take To Heart What Is Written
What does it mean to “take to heart” what is written in this testimony and revelation of Jesus Christ? It means to call on the Holy Spirit in prayer so that you heart and mind are open to the understanding of God’s message about the seven years of tribulation before Christ returns.
Let this be a journey that you travel together with the Holy Spirit. It’ll be the Holy Spirit that will reveal to you on a continual basis the understanding of this book.
Take your time to read the text. Reread it, meditate on it, and let it’s understanding be revealed to you. Then share with others. You will receive a blessing for all that you take to heart.
Because the Time Is Near
This is not the first time we’re warned that the time is near. Jesus warned us during the Olivet Discourse. This is the time just before His arrest when He was teaching on the events that would take place in the last days before His Second Coming.
“Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door.” (Matthew 24:33)
We are about to explore Jesus’ warnings to the churches of Asia Minor. We will soon see again the same warning as we get to the end of this book. In fact, He gives three warnings in the same closing passage of Revelation.
“Look, I am coming soon! Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy written in this scroll.” (Revelation 22:7)
“Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done.” (Revelation 22:12)
He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.” (Revelation 22:20)
In thinking of the nearness of the events of the revelation of Jesus Christ, it’s important to recall the words of Peter in his second letter.
“But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.” (2 Peter 3:8)
With this being the case and witnessing the convergence of all prophecy, we’re not in the last days but rather in the last hours before the return of Christ to gather His people away from this world and the tribulation to come.
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