Revelation 10:1-11 “Revelation 10 and the Mystery of the 7 Thunders”

Revelation 10 Offers a Pause From the Wrath

Bible Study Guide

Revelation 10 offers a much needed interlude, for us the reader and John the writer of this book. It’s the second well positioned break in the action that Jesus is showing John to write.

Just like we saw in the seal judgments, this interlude is placed between the last fews judgments of each set of judgments. In the case of each set, it’s between the 6th and 7th judgments.

I can recall in my younger days, I was a big fan of horror movies. The scarier the better. Edge of your seat action that made you jump out out of your seat was fun. But often times, some of these movies were so intense that a commercial break was most welcomed.

The ever increasing chaos, death and destruction of civilization can be a heavy burden to consume without a break to catch your breath. John likely welcomed this opportunity as he prepared to fill another piece of parchment with the words of Revelation 10.

Who Was the Angel of Revelation 10?

(Verse 1) At the opening of this chapter we get a sense that John’s position has changed. He appears to be back on earth watching this angel descending. This is not just any angel. This is a mighty angel. His size is enormous.

At first glance, we notice that the description of this mighty angel is somewhat similar to others from the throne room of God. It’s likely this angel’s purpose keeps him very close to God.

It’s possible this is the same angel we see in Revelation 7:2 and 8:4.

(Verse 2) John records that the mighty angel is holding a scroll. What’s about to happen will be a first for John. Nothing like this has occurred since He first saw Jesus appear to Him in chapter 1.

The Mystery of the 7 Thunders of Revelation 10

(Verse 3-4) Are the seven thunders of Revelation 10 a mystery? Or are they something else that was taught to us thousands of years ago? Are the thunders more than a mystery?

Let’s take a closer look and find out.

As you would expect, a mighty angel of God would come with a mighty voice. This mighty angel does not disappoint. Like the roar of a lion, he shouts. John doesn’t reveal if the angel said anything in particular and we shouldn’t speculate beyond what is given to us.

This shout is not your average super excited football fan yelling at his team while watching them score a touchdown. No! This mighty shout from a mighty angel awakens the seven thunders. Not only does the angel’s shout prompt the seven thunders attention. But they begin to speak.

As John is feverishly putting his ground soot based ink to paper and parchment, he hears the words of the 7 thunders. Then without skipping a beat, he prepares to write what he hears. Thus begins the mystery of the seven thunders of Revelation 10.

Immediately, John hears a voice from heaven. This is another indication that John’s location is likely on earth. The voice from heaven commands him to seal up the words of the seven thunders and not write them down.

When you get a command from Heaven, you don’t stop and ask who it is that’s giving this command. You don’t continue to write it and just pretend that you didn’t hear the command and hide it in your pocket. No! You have one choice, that’s to listen and obey the command, which John did.

The 7 Thunders of Revelation: Mystery or Secret?

We don’t know what the seven thunders spoke. John heard them and he didn’t record them just like the faithful servant he has always been for Christ. It would be an unwise practice to attempt to insert opinions or ideas as to what these 7 thunders spoke.

Rather, we must observe an ancient mystery written thousands of years ago. A mystery that will reveal why we must not attempt to add to God’s word as we’re instructed not to do at the end of this book of Revelation.

“And I solemnly declare to everyone who hears the words of prophecy written in this book: If anyone adds anything to what is written here, God will add to that person the plagues described in this book. 19 And if anyone removes any of the words from this book of prophecy, God will remove that person’s share in the tree of life and in the holy city that are described in this book.” (Revelation 22:18-19)

While we observe these last words of God’s book, let’s also go back close to the beginning to understand what’s a mystery and what’s a secret.

“The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law.” (Deuteronomy 29:29)

These words from Deuteronomy teach us that the words spoken by the seven thunders are in fact not a mystery. They are a secret of God’s.

Mysteries are those things that when first told, have no explanation. Then later in time, those mystery’s are revealed and no longer mysteries. But what is a secret to God is that which will not be revealed, at least not in this age.

Possibly, God has reserved many of these secrets only to be revealed to us in this next age after the end of this one. A time when only those believers, who have not rejected God will be told. We don’t know for certain. All we do know for certain is that secret’s belong to God and mysteries He has revealed to us in His timing.

A Testimony to God’s Truth and Timing

(Verses 5-6) After the secret of the seven thunders is spoken, the angel, with his right hand lifted to heaven swears to the truth of God’s word and it’s complete fulfillment. God’s word has always been faithful to accomplish everything the prophet’s spoke of.

The angel states that “there will be no more delay” in the final completion of the wrath of God coming upon a world that rejected Him.

God’s swiftness in His actions are foretold to us by Isaiah when he spoke from God.

“The least of you will become a thousand,
the smallest a mighty nation.
I am the Lord;
in its time I will do this swiftly.” (Isaiah 60:22)

In God’s ordained time and season for all His words, He will commit to them swiftly. This is the message that the angel is communicating in his sworn testimony.

Even Jesus revealed this to us of the events of the last days. He used the birth pains of a woman to indicate that when the ordained time for the last days is to arrive, it’ll be like a woman’s labor pains.

From this, we can determine that the events associated with labor pains means things will begin to move quickly to the birth. And so shall it be when God’s appointed times and seasons for all things arrive. There will be no delay.

This is occurring before our very eyes today. We’re watching the events of the last days as spoken by the prophets and Jesus. They’re happening so quickly it’s hard to keep up with the change that’s occurring everyday. This is because it’s been spoken that when the time is here, events will happen more quickly and with greater intensity.

(Verse 7) Finally, the angel proclaims that when the 7th trumpet sounds, it’ll be the beginning of the last events of the wrath of God.

The Mighty Angel’s Last Commands of Revelation 10

(Verses 8-10) John is about to have a first of its kind experience. The next command that comes from the mighty angel standing on the sea and the land will make John an active participant in this next scene.

While the enormous angel reaches down toward John, he extends his hand. He tells John to take the scroll and eat it. While I would never recommend you eat any book that you read, no matter how good the book was, here John must obey.

More importantly, this scene, like the previous goes back to ancient times. All the way back to the time of the prophet Ezekiel.

“Then I looked, and I saw a hand stretched out to me. In it was a scroll, 10 which he unrolled before me. On both sides of it were written words of lament and mourning and woe. 3 And he said to me, “Son of man, eat what is before you, eat this scroll; then go and speak to the people of Israel.” 2 So I opened my mouth, and he gave me the scroll to eat.
3 Then he said to me, “Son of man, eat this scroll I am giving you and fill your stomach with it.” So I ate it, and it tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth.” (Ezekiel 2:9-3:3)

Ezekiel also had a similar experience. And this scroll also was bitter in Ezekiel’s stomach if you continue reading the passage. This is just another example of how the interconnectivity of God’s word is woven through every book from Genesis to Revelation. All to form an unbreakable bond of faithfulness, love, mercy, justice, righteousness, holiness, grace and undeniable truth.

Every verse like that of a thread woven together with other threads to form one blanket of God’s truth from cover to cover.

Should We Consume God’s Word Like John & Ezekiel?

(Verse 11) Yes! But first, let me explain!

This scene of John eating the scroll is a symbol of an important act performed by Ezekiel. This act of eating the scroll will serve to be just as important for John.

But wait, there’s more. Its importance spans from the time of ancient Ezekiel, to John the apostle and finally to us today. Yes, to us this symbol is an important act. One that we must observe and adhere to in our Christian walk.

Just as John and Ezekiel were instructed to eat the scroll, we too must thirst and hunger for God’s word. We must consume them so that they’re not only words that enter our ears, but words that become a very part of our soul. They must be consumed in order to satisfy the thirst and hunger of our spirit.

The Sweetness of God’s Word

It’s the longest chapter in the Bible. The extraordinarily beautiful Psalm 119 is filled with worship and praise of our God. It also references the reason the sweet tasting scroll.

“How sweet are your words to my taste,
    sweeter than honey to my mouth!” (Psalm 119:130)

This is the meaning behind the sweet tasting scrolls. For John and Ezekiel, the word was not just going to be God’s word, sweet tasting and all good news. No! These words of the scroll would be sweet to the taste. They are after all the words of God which are all good. But what they had to prophesy of the wrath still to come upon the people would leave them with some serious indigestion.

Revelation 11 will bring us some good news in the beginning. Unfortunately, it’ll turn very dark before John closes this next chapter.

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