Revelation 9:13-21 “Meaning of the 6th Trumpet of Revelation”

Unveiling the Mystery of the 6th Trumpet of Revelation

Bible Study Guide

(Verse 13) John records the sixth angel sounding the sixth trumpet of revelation. This trumpet unleashes the second of three woes that are woven into these last three trumpet of judgment.

Immediately, John hears a voice from heaven. This voice is coming from the golden altar that sits before the throne of God. The sound of a voice is coming from the four horns that are fixed to the four corners of the altar.

It’s good to keep in mind as we continue our journey, what causes the wrath of God to come upon the earth. While we understand the God has complete control over all, it varies as to the wraths origin. What I mean by this is we can see that God intervenes in one of two ways. His judgments come by direct supernatural forces or He removes His restraining power to allow humanity and its evil to bring upon itself, its own self created wrath.

What’s the Significance of the Four Horns?

If we go back several thousand years to the Old Testament, we find instructions for this altar coming from God to the Israelites. God instructed them that the altar was to be used for burnt offerings.

“Build an altar of acacia wood, three cubits high; it is to be square, five cubits long and five cubits wide. 2 Make a horn at each of the four corners, so that the horns and the altar are of one piece, and overlay the altar with bronze.” (Exodus 27:1-2)

The horns on the altar also served as a means of asylum for anyone who grabbed hold of one of the four horns (1 Kings 1:50-53). Unfortunately, God’s people built other similar altars in worship of false gods and committed idolatry.

For this reason, God would later pronounce judgment on His people and nation for their idolatry through His prophet Amos.

“On the day I punish Israel for her sins,
I will destroy the altars of Bethel;
the horns of the altar will be cut off
and fall to the ground.” (Amos 3:14)

Through these words of God from His prophet, we see that the horns of the altar serve as a symbol of eventual judgment on the nation. Thereby, there would no longer be a place at the four horns for asylum. There would be no escape from God’s judgment.

Just as in ancient days, these horns stood for asylum and protection, but they also foretold of a time of judgment for those who turned their back on God.

The voice of these four horns awakened by the 6th trumpet of Revelation would now bring judgment on the remaining inhabitants of the earth in the Tribulation.

Examining the Secrecy Behind the Great Euphrates River

(Verse 14) John records the sixth trumpet judgment introducing another ancient symbol of the Old Testament. This one goes back to the very beginning.

It’s the great river Euphrates. In the beginning, there was a river that flowed through the garden of Eden watering the first gardens of creation. As it flowed out of Eden, it split into four rivers. One of the four rivers is the Euphrates river.

“The name of the first is the Pishon; it winds through the entire land of Havilah, where there is gold. 12 (The gold of that land is good; aromatic resin and onyx are also there.) 13 The name of the second river is the Gihon; it winds through the entire land of Cush. 14 The name of the third river is the Tigris; it runs along the east side of Ashur. And the fourth river is the Euphrates.” (Genesis 2:11-14)

Today the great Euphrates river begins in eastern Turkey and winds its way through Syria. From there it enters Iraq and empties into the Persian Gulf. It’s the longest river in the Middle East at 1,780 miles long. It flows only through Middle East countries the entire route.

It’s also mentioned more times in the Bible than any other river.

But, there’s more hidden along the banks of the Euphrates than meets the eye. The banks of the Euphrates are witness to some of early mankind’s most sinful acts. The first sin (Garden of Eden), the first murder (Cain and Abel), the first blasphemy (tower of Babel), and the first pagan king and world power to exile God’s people out of their land (King Nebuchadnezzar, Babylon) were all events within proximity of the Euphrates River.

The Evil Secret of the Four Angels of the Great River Euphrates

John hears the command from the four horns of the golden altar directed to the sixth angel with the trumpet. “Release the four angels that are bound at the great river Euphrates.”

It’s quite possible that these four bound angels had a hand in the sins that were committed near the Euphrates. As is about to be revealed, these are not good angels. The history of the Euphrates could possibly be the reason we find these angels bound by God.

But, just as the golden altar with the four horns are a symbol of judgment in this passage, these demonic angels are about to be released to wreak horrific actions on a great number of people.

How else can we tell these are not good angels of God? There’s no where in scripture that God reveals to us that good angels are punished by being bound. These particular angels have probably been bound much longer than we know and reserved for this very specific day and hour.

The Evil Purpose of the Four Angels Bound at the Euphrates

(Verse 15) While we know these angels will only be released during the seven year Tribulation period, we don’t know exactly when during the seven years. God does not always reveal to us His appointed days and times for such events. If He did, we would likely orient ourselves around these events rather than orienting ourselves around God.

He wants us focused on Him.

As the four angels who were kept bound at the Euphrates are released, John learns immediately the number of people who will meet their death as a result of these angels.

One third of humanity will perish. If we continue by today’s estimates of 8.2 billion people on the planet, 2.7 billion people will perish. 2.7 billion people who rejected God will experience the first death. This will seal their fate and guarantee their second death.

These are astronomical numbers. But it begins to make sense when we look at the army of evil spirits that these four angels will gather against mankind. By quick calculation, we can determine that twice ten thousand times ten thousand equals 200 million. This evil army will be massive.

The Army of Death

(Verses 16-17) Similar to what John saw in the seal judgments and the four horsemen, he sees again under the direction of the 6th trumpet judgment. Like the rider on the red horse who symbolizes the war that’s going to take place among people. These horses are also a symbol of actual war like events that will take place at this time.

(Verse 18-19) The description in this verse aligns with the continuation of the idea that John is witnessing an elevation of mankind’s war with the use of nuclear weaponry. Bible scholars believe that the trumpet judgments will usher in the use of nuclear bombs. This is a dreadful thought, but something we can see we’re getting closer to today.

It’s especially pertinent when you examine verse 18.

“A third of mankind was killed by the three plagues of fire, smoke and sulfur that came out of their mouths.” (Revelation 9:18)

This symbolic description could most certainly point to the use of atomic weapons.

Again, I’m reminded of a quote by a pastor from long ago who stated, “If I can’t convince you to follow Christ, then maybe I can scare you.”

This was a direct reference to all that we see being revealed to John by Christ. What if we all understood this enough to share with others the urgency behind choosing Christ. Perhaps, more people would choose Christ as their Lord and Savior more quickly. Perhaps!

What can be more shocking than these events unleashed by this angel under the command of the sixth trumpet? The answer to this question lies in the last few verses of this passage.

A Shocking and Unprecedented Rejection

(Verses 20-21) If we can’t convince everyone to follow Christ, than can we scare everyone to follow Christ? Sadly, the answer will be no.

After the earth experiences the loss of another 2.7 billion people from incomprehensible suffering and destruction, the remaining will refuse to repent of their sins and rejection of God.

This helps us to understand why God’s wrath doesn’t stop here. Two thirds of the earths 8.2 billion people have been killed. You’ll be able to smell the stench of death everywhere you go. Yet, the remaining will not turn to God.

They will not repent of their murders, magic arts, sexual immorality and thefts.

Paul warned the followers in Thessalonica of this very thing.

“The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, 10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.” (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12)

Jeremiah also reminded us of the deceitfulness of the heart.

“The heart is deceitful above all things
and beyond cure.
Who can understand it?” (Jeremiah 17:9)

Introduction Into the Occult

Notice that magic arts is one of the four sins mankind will refuse to repent of. Where does this come from?

Magic arts is the translation of the Greek word pharmakon. This is where we get the English word pharmacy. Ancient occults such as astrology, witchcraft, and divination were a gateway into demonic worship and possession.

The use of mind altering substances with the obvious approval of governments will likely be associated with the creation of a world religion in these end times. We already see the approval of drug use. The new age movement is bringing people subtly into the occult. The Catholic Church is bringing every religion together in an ecumenical movement that falsely claims we all worship the same God.

This is evidence of the closeness of the end of this age and the approach of the Tribulation.

John probably needs of a break from all this calamity. For a moment, Jesus will refocus his attention on the second of three interludes of Revelation.

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