Unlocking the Mystery of the 4th Trumpet of Revelation
Bible Study Guide
Does the 4th trumpet judgment of Revelation reveal to us the same as the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trumpets? Let’s look closely at the natural progression of each of these judgments.
Remember, the 4-3 pattern of this series of trumpet judgments will be the same as the previous seal judgments. The bowl judgments will also follow the same 4-3 pattern. The first four judgments are more general judgments upon the earth. The last three judgments grow more intense. They also become more narrowly focused on people.
(Verse 12) As John hears the fourth angel sound his trumpet, he sees a third of the sun, moon, and stars are struck with darkness. This causes a third of the day and the night to be without any light from these celestial bodies.
Let’s not forget what’s already occurred on earth up to this point. On top of that, a third of the earth is going to be cast into darkness. Among the imbalances that already exist with vegetation, oceans, and fresh bodies of water, the necessary nutrient that light offers our planet will throw the earth into further disruption and chaos. Not to mention the temperature drop that will ensue due to the absence of sunlight.
If you’ve been following the natural progression of the mysteries of the first three trumpet judgments, then you may notice additional similarities with the 4th.
If you haven’t gone through the study guide for trumpets one through three, I highly recommend taking a look. This will help in understanding what the mystery might be for the 4th trumpet. You can find each study guide here. 1st Trumpet – 2nd Trumpet – 3rd Trumpet
Does the 4th Trumpet Unravel the Mystery Behind this Judgment?
In the book, The Fate of the Earth, the author, Jonathan Schell explains that an all out nuclear conflict would be so massive that a thick cloud made from smoke and debris could obstruct the sun, moon, and stars from shedding their light upon the earth. This would cause what scientist call a nuclear winter.
Is it possible that John the apostle, watching the visions shown to him by Christ is seeing from a 1st century perspective, a 21st century nuclear event? It certainly appears so. Especially as we look at these four judgments together.
In the book, There’s A Whole New Planet Coming, the author Hal Lindsey also took the position that the series of Trumpet Judgments portray the use of nuclear weapons.
In his 1973 book, he wrote,
“Although it is possible for God to pull off every miracle in the book of Revelation and use totally unheard-of-means to do it, I personally believe that all the enormous ecological catastrophes described in this chapter (Revelation 8) are the direct result of nuclear weapons. In actuality, man inflicts these judgments upon himself. God simply steps back and removes His restraining influence from man, allowing him to do what comes naturally out of his sinful nature. In fact, if the book of Revelation had never been written, we might well predict these very catastrophes within fifty years of less!”
These are not the last clues to point to such a nuclear catastrophe. We’ll study several more ominous signs in chapter nine.
Introduction of the three “Woes”
(Verse 13) Then suddenly John sees the appearance of an eagle flying and crying out, “Woe! Woe! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth, because of the trumpet blasts to be sounded by the other three angels!”
Notice we don’t see one Woe! Or even two Woe’s! No, we see a series of three Woes! It would be perfectly normal for anyone to wonder, if it’s even possible for anyone to survive beyond this point in the seven year Tribulation. Unfortunately, things are about to get much worse.
The entire ecological system of the earth is in complete chaos. Governments and economies have collapsed. Hospitals are overrun. Those organizations that exist to help those in crisis or suffering from natural disasters have all disbanded, because everyone on earth is now in survival mode.
Jesus warned us of this very time in His Olivet Discourse.
“For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now—and never to be equaled again. 22 “If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.” (Matthew 24:21-22)
Layered upon the series of wraths, a series of Woes! Is added to God’s judgment. In biblical times, the word “woe” was not one you wanted to here directed at you.
“Woe” is the English translation of the Greek word “ouai.” It means pain, anger, and distress. It’s used more than a hundred times in the Bible. It’s mostly found in the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah and the gospel of Luke. Jesus even uses the term to point to the Jewish religious leaders of His day.
Does the Eagle Represent the United States?
Many people have asked if the United States is mentioned in the Bible. Others have asked why the United States isn’t mentioned in the Bible. The Bible does not mention the United States. Neither is there any definitive reference that we can point to with clarity of any mention of the U.S. anywhere in the Bible.
There’s one thing to keep in mind as it pertains to nations mentioned in the Bible. Outside of the central focus of the Bible on the land of Israel, there are only certain nations that are spoken of in the entire Bible.
Whenever another nation is mentioned in the Bible, it’s a nation that has had a direct impact against the nation of Israel. Most often these are nations that have come up against Israel throughout its history. So it would unwise for us to deviate from this biblical pattern and assume that the eagle that John sees represents the U.S.
We should neither add nor subtract from what the Bible reveals to us as mysteries foretold. For secrets are kept secret with God.
“The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law.” (Deuteronomy 29:29)
“I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll. 19 And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll. (Revelation 22:18-19)
An ominous cloud is approaching from the horizon. Can it be a moment of relief from God’s wrath and the 4th trumpet of Revelation, or is it time for people to run for their lives?
<< Rev. 8:10-11 “What’s the Mystery of the Third Trumpet of Revelation?” | “Mystery of the 5th Trumpet of Revelation” Rev. 9:1 >>