Revelation 3:1-6 “Letter to the Church of Sardis”

Letter to the Church of Sardis

Bible Study Guide

(Verse 1) Sardis was the capital of the ancient providence of Lydia in the region of Asia Minor. It was known for its manufacturing and wealth. It’s location made it an important commercial trading hub.

It was filled with pagan temples including the temple of Artemis. Philosophy was at the center of its study and was home to the Greek philosopher, Thales.

The church of Sardis was the fifth of the seven listed churches. This church had the unfortunate burden of carrying an undesirable uniqueness. Jesus had no good thing to say to this church.

In fact, Jesus stated that while the church on the outside may appear to look alive, it was dead on the inside. This is the same rebuke that Jesus delivered to the Pharisee’s as recorded in Matthew’s gospel.

“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean. In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.”
(Matthew 23:27-28)

The nominal faith of the people in this congregation didn’t go much beyond their weekly church attendance. Some may have gotten involved in church activities and groups as a measure of their own salvation. But the depth of their faith ventured no further. There love for Christ and one another was quickly dying away.

Looks Can Be Deceiving

I’m reminded of a Catholic church that my wife and I used to attend. It was a beautiful small church in a quiet rural setting. The choir sounded amazing. As a matter of fact, my wife joined the choir because of how well run it was. At one point, I was even encouraged to begin a Bible study. Wait! A Bible study in a Catholic church? Yes, you heard it right.

But after 6 years in this church, we barely made any real connections with anyone let alone even a friend. But the church was beautiful on the inside and it was small and quaint. The perfect setting for a close congregation to get to know people and make friends.

Then it happened. I was told I had to shut down my Bible study. The reason…it spoke too much of God’s word and not enough of Catholic doctrine. This became our last experience in a church of Sardis…beautiful on the outside, but dead on the inside. We walked away from the Catholic church and the burdensome yoke of blasphemous Catholic doctrine was thrown off our shoulders for good.

I was guided by the Holy Spirit to a Christian church filled with people who had the love of Christ in them. We were quickly accepted and made more connections and friends in a few months than we did in any Catholic church we ever attended. My Bible study was reinvigorated and grew quickly.

Last Warning For a Nominal Congregation!

(Verses 2-4) Jesus gives them a final and stark warning. “Wake up!” He tells them that their fire of faith that they once had is about to die out. They have just one small ember still smoldering but it’s about go out.

Jesus wants them to reignite that flame of faith that once burned in them after hearing the truth of the gospel. He instructs them to keep it burning and hold firmly onto what they once believed. Christ gives them the necessary thing they must do to come back to Him. Repent of their sins.

Jesus adds a penalty for refusing His advice and direction. Just like the inhabitants of Noah’s day, wrath and destruction could come upon them like a thief in the night. Just as the flood struck without warning.

Do You Attend the Church of Sardis?

The unfortunate reality is that there are a growing number of churches like the church of Sardis in the world today. This nominal congregation is a religion of ease. It requires very little effort and is subjective to one’s own personal view of God’s word and His offer of salvation.

Like many people in my former Catholic church, there shallow faith was nothing more than a spiritual insurance policy that would help them gain their version of salvation if all this religious stuff was really true. Unfortunately, God is not in the business of selling spiritual insurance policies to unbelievers.

This is a dangerous spiritual state to live in. It guarantees that you’ll not see salvation.

Does it matter what church you attend? Absolutely! If your church is dead on the inside and you find that it loves the world more than Christ and refuses to turn and repent of its sins, run and find yourself a church of Smyrna or Philadelphia and never look back.

Don’t gamble with your faith. Because unlike this world and all that’s in it, the consequences are eternal.

<< Rev. 2:8-11 “Letter to Church of Smyrna” | “Letter to Church in Philadelphia” Rev. 2:7-13 >>