Jesus Reverses the Death of Lazarus
Bible Study Guide
(Verses 17-20) When Jesus and His disciples arrive in Bethany, John records that Lazarus’s body had been in the tomb for four days. This is a significant detail that John makes sure to include in the opening of this passage.
The disciples and other Jews of that day would have understood what it meant for Lazarus to have been dead for four days.
Up to this point in Jesus’ ministry, the disciples along with many people had witnessed Jesus perform some incredible miracles. Miracles that defy logic and could only be understood through the power of God.
Besides all the healing miracles, they also witnessed the raising of other people from the dead as recorded in (Mark 5:21-24, 35-43 & Luke 7:11-17). But they had not yet witnessed the rising from the dead of a person that had been in the tomb for four days.
What Is the Significance of the Four Days
Jewish tradition holds that after death, the soul hovers over the body for three days and departs from it on the fourth day.
Many of the Jewish traditions give no specific account for what exactly happens to the soul after death. Many varying traditions claim the soul hovers over the body for three to seven days, but the majority claim it to be three days.
The Jews who were in attendance at the tomb of Lazarus would have undoubtedly known that Lazarus had no chance of coming back to life. Especially in light of the fact that his soul had departed from his presence.
It’s important to understand that there is no biblical foundation in this belief of the soul lingering near the body of a corpse.
Martha and Mary Believed In Their Messiah
(Verses 21-23) Jesus tells Martha that He is going to bring Lazarus back to life. She misinterprets what Jesus says by assuming He meant at the end of the age when the believers are gathered up with Christ in the rapture before the tribulation.
(Verses 24-31) Jesus explains to Martha that He’s not only the power of resurrection and life in the last days for all believers and followers of Christ, but He’s also the resurrection and the life at that very moment after the death of Lazarus.
It’s quite remarkable to think that Martha had God standing before her speaking to her and she was still only concerned with her brothers death.
Jesus didn’t just hold the power of healing but also of resurrecting.
(Verses 32-37) Notice the similarities as well as the differences in how Martha and Mary approach Jesus. They both demonstrate their love for Him as believers. They both wish that He had arrived sooner in order that He might save their brother.
Mary, unlike her sister approaches Jesus in reverence and humbles herself before her Lord. Mary did the same thing when Jesus visited the two sisters in the story recorded by Luke (Luke 10:38-42). We’re going to see Mary react the same way in the next chapter of John’s gospel when she pours expensive perfume on Christ’ feet and wipes them with her hair (John 2:1-8).
Mary’s relationship with Christ is quite different from her sister Martha’s.
The Death of Lazarus Is No More
(Verses 38-40) Jesus understands our plight as we venture through this world. He Himself

experienced sorrow at the loss of His friend and felt the hurt of those around Him.
Jesus requests from those around the tomb to move the stone. Did Jesus need them to move the stone to raise Lazarus? No! It could likely be He was testing their belief to see how they would react. There are certain aspects of Jesus’ ministry that we don’t always get a clear understanding.
For example, when Jesus healed the blind man at Bethsaida. Did Jesus have to spit on some dirt to wipe on the blind man’s eyes so He could heal his blindness? No!
He reminded them again that they would see such things as the miracle He’s about to perform if they believed.
(Verses 41-44) At this point, there is no doubt from anyone that Lazarus is dead. First, Lazarus exceeded Jewish tradition that the spirit leaves the body after three days and this was the fourth day.
The other point was the stench of the dead body that came from the tomb. No one could make the argument that it was possible that Lazarus might still be alive.
Jesus paused for a moment. In view of everyone, He said a prayer of thanks to God to show that the glory of this miracle belonged to the Father through the Son.
Then Jesus commanded Lazarus to rise and come out of the tomb. The death of Lazarus was no more.
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