John 12:16-36 “Jesus Predicts His Death”

Jesus Predicts His Death

Bible Study Guide

(Verse 16) It will take Jesus’ resurrection before the disciples come to understand much of His ministry and the reason for the things He said and did.

(Verses 17-19) The Pharisee’s complained about Jesus and said, “Look how the whole world has gone after Him.” First, they meant to point out that both Jews and Gentiles were following Jesus.

Also, the Pharisee’s had no idea how right they were in saying that the whole world would go after Him. Jesus is about to reaffirm this in the coming passage.

“And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.”
(John 12:32)

(Verses 20-22) The Jewish Temple consisted of four separate courts. The outermost court was known as the Court of the Gentiles. This is where gentiles could worship and participate in Jewish traditions. It’s likely these Greeks (gentiles) were restricted from reaching Jesus in the innermost courts of the Temple.

When they noticed Philip, being one of the disciples nearby, they engaged him to try to get some time with Jesus.

His Hour Had Come For Him to be Glorified

(Verse 24) Notice that Jesus does not directly respond to the request brought by Philip and Andrew who were speaking for the gentile. This is because Jesus was busy doing the work of the Father and the time was short.

Jesus predicted his death and that the Son of God was about to die. In His glorification and resurrection, Jesus would draw mankind to Himself. This would produce many seeds for the word of Him crucified to be spread throughout the world.

So it also in our spiritual growth as Christians. It’s when our old self-centered and self-satisfying selves die and we give our lives to Christ, can we produce the fruit necessary to spread the gospel and be a witness for Christ. This eventually produces many seeds in the hearts of those we witness to.

Choose Christ or Choose the World

(Verse 25-26) Jesus was speaking of two different life’s in this verse. He was pointing to both the current life and eternal life. If you love your current life and don’t want to lose it, you’ll lose your eternal life. But if you hate your life in this dark and evil world, you will gain eternal life with Christ.

“If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.”
(John 15:19)

Serving Christ is to hate this world. The Christian is not a citizen of this world. Christians are just passing through on their way to their ultimate destination to be with their Savior.

(Verses 27-29) Jesus was intimately familiar with human suffering. He understands everything that we go through on a daily basis. We can use this valuable lesson from Jesus when we make our requests to God for help.

When we face our own suffering and life brings us to our knees, what is the better request to make to our heavenly Father? Should we ask, “Father, save me from this hour,” or “Father, glorify your name?”

Which one of these requests focuses more on our reliance on God and trusting Him that He’ll do the right thing for us and guide us through difficulties? The second helps us to focus less on ourselves and more on the Lord.

Time for Judgment on this World

(Verses 30-33) Jesus predicted His death forewarning that His work on earth of bringing the gift of grace in the form of Salvation would lead to His return to judge the world. The time would come that the prince of this world (Satan) would be driven out.

Christ will return to judge how the world received His gift of salvation. He will also come to judge all on how they treated His chosen people and nation.

(Verse 34) Just like the disciples many in the crowd didn’t understand all of the things that Jesus said. They would have to wait and see the events that were about to unfold before them in the next several days.

Little did these people know just how drastically this week was going to end. The world was about to be forever changed. They had no idea that Christ had to die the death He would suffer in order to open the doors for believers to walk through to make their way back to the Father.

(Verse 35-36) Jesus was the light who would be in the world for just a little while longer. He encouraged them to follow the light so that after He was gone, they would become the light to the nations and to all people for many generations.

It was likely at this time that Jesus and his disciples kept themselves out of the public eye until it was time for His arrest.

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