Jesus Is the Bread of Life
Bible Study Guide
(Verses 25-27) Jesus calls out those who are following Him and points to their religious flaws of why they’re following Him. John does a similar thing in chapter two where it appears that Jesus internalizes His thoughts about those following Him.
“Now while he was in Jerusalem at the Passover Festival, many people saw the signs he was performing and believed in his name. But Jesus would not entrust himself to them, for he knew all people. He did not need any testimony about mankind, for he knew what was in each person.” (John 2:23-25)
In this passage, Jesus verbally confronts them and points out the reason why they’re following Him. They enjoy the miraculous wonders that He performs and the food security that He provides for them. Their motives have nothing to do with the message of the kingdom of heaven that Jesus is there to bring them.
He quickly brings their attention to focus on the spiritual food that He’s offering instead of the food they desire that will leave them hungry again in a few hours.
What Is the Work of God?
(Verses 28-29) Look carefully at the question the Jews ask Jesus.
“Then they asked him, “What must we do to do the works God requires?” (John 6:28)
Their question is derived from a works based perspective that you could find in a religion. This would not be surprising considering this is exactly what is asked of them by the Jewish leadership. It’s also how they understand the scriptures. The Old Testament is filled with sacrificial, worship and thanksgiving rituals that was required of the Jews for various reasons by God.
This was a very religious question. Jesus is about to turn their religious thinking upside down.
In reality, we have nothing that God needs nor is there anything that we must do for God that He can’t do Himself.
It’s likely they expected a list of things that Jesus could’ve responded with to satisfy their desire for good works. But Jesus gives them an answer that they likely never expected. He answers with a few simple words.
Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.” (John 6:29)
Notice that Jesus doesn’t give them a list of things (works) that they must perform in order to do the works of God. Jesus has done everything to fulfill the law. There is nothing that we can do. As soon as we begin to think that there is something that we must do for God to obtain salvation, we immediately diminish the work of Christ on the cross bearing the weight of our sins for the salvation of mankind.
This is a false gospel and the teaching of many religions, especially the Catholic church of Rome.
The True Bread of Life
(Verses 30-34) In all of the amazing things Jesus has done through the power of God before their eyes, they have the nerve and the blindness to ask what sign He will give them in order for them to believe.
Immediately they point to the sign of the manna that fed the Israelites in the desert after the exodus out of Egypt.
Jesus turns their attention from the manna in the desert that could only satisfy physical hunger to Himself. While the manna was sent from heaven by God, Jesus comes from heaven and is the bread of life they need for salvation.
Again, we see the people of Israel concerned with their physical well being while Jesus’ message of the kingdom of heaven is focused on their spiritual well being.
If Once Saved, Are You Always Saved?
(Verses 35-40) The answer is yes! Once a person repents of their sins and makes a personal commitment to accept Jesus in their life as their Lord and Savior, they are washed spiritually clean by the Holy Spirit. This begins the sanctification journey to holiness and righteousness.
Jesus makes it perfectly clear here that whoever is saved will never be lost and their salvation is secure. This passage along with many others throughout scripture that support this.
The matter of losing your salvation becomes a question of, were you actually saved in the first place. This can be debated until the cows come home, but one thing remains, only God knows who’s saved and who is not saved besides knowing of our own salvation.
If Jesus says those who come to Him will never be lost, then those who come to Him will never be lost. Jesus is not a liar and He is not ever wrong.
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