John 8:1-30 “I Am the Light of the World”
I Am the Light of the World
Bible Study Guide
Up to this point in John’s Gospel, it’s clear that Jesus used no shades of gray in teaching on the kingdom of heaven. He leaves only two options and nothing in between.
You’re either of heaven or you’re of the world. You’re of the light or you’re of the darkness. You’re of things above or you’re of things below. You’re of your Father in heaven or you’re of your father in hell. I think you get the picture. There is no middle ground.
Many people live in this imaginary middle ground area. They believe that as long as they do good, say good and be good, God will be good to them and they will be saved. This is a false understanding of the gospel. Apart of God, there is no good in anyone. So it’s very difficult to be good if you’re not a child of the only One that is good.
“For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out.” (Romans 7:18)
I say to the Lord, “You are my Lord;
apart from you I have no good thing.” (Psalm 16:2)
If there was this gray shaded area of salvation, than Jesus would’ve taught it. He didn’t and therefore there is only one way back to God and that is through Christ. Every other way the world teaches is nothing more than sinking sand.
Pharisees Try To Trap Jesus
(Verses 1-11) The Pharisees attempt to set a trap for Jesus. If Jesus said the woman caught in adultery should be put to death, they could have accused Him of lacking compassion for sinners. If He said she shouldn’t be killed, they would have accused Him of ignoring Old Testament law.
Instead, He takes all the fingers from those who’ve sinned and pointing at the woman and He turns them around and points them to the faulty hearts of the accusers. Because each one of the womans accusers lived in darkness due to their own sins. One by one, each of them went slithering back into the darkness not to expose their sins. But it was too late, Jesus exposed them all.
I Am the Light
(Verses 12-18) Jesus presents Himself as the Light of the world. This is the second of the seven great “I AM” statements that John records Jesus saying in his gospel.
This serves as a great reminder to a diminishing relationship between God and His people throughout the Old Testament. From the presence of God leaving the temple up to the 400 year intertestamental period in which no oracles from God to the prophets had been recorded.
As the world of the Jews grew increasingly dark across this period, Christ came to declare that this period of darkness was over. He has now become the Light shining in a dark world devoid of the Spirit of God.
(Verse 19) The question of “Where is your father?” that was asked of Jesus was meant to publicly shame Him. Due to the mysterious birth of Jesus viewed by many who didn’t accept his birth, they attempted to portray Jesus as an illegitimate son.
Just as He did with the woman caught in adultery, Jesus turns the attention to their faulty heart and relationship with God. For if they knew God whom they make sacrifices to then they would know Jesus as their Messiah.
(Verse 20) We should always have confidence in God’s timing in our lives. While the crowds and the religious leaders grew increasingly angry with Jesus, they did not seize Him. Because His hour had not yet come. Only the time that aligns with God’s will is the right timing.
“Wait for the Lord;
be strong and take heart
and wait for the Lord.” (Psalm 27:14)
I Am He
(Verses 21-29) Jesus warns the people of the consequences of not believing in Him. These warnings are not just meant for those around Him listening to His words. He’s warning all people for all generations the repercussions of not accepting Him and His gift of grace that comes in the form of salvation.
In John 6:29, Jesus explained to them the work of the Father was to believe in the One He has sent. Jesus tells them “I am He” who the Father sent.
They just don’t understand that the problem with mankind is sin. It’s what separates them from God. The only way back to God is through the One God sent. Only Christ can bare the weight of mankind’s sin when He’s lifted up on the cross. This is when they will know who He is by the work of God through the resurrection and His defeat of death.
(Verse 30) This verse is a beautiful reminder that while Jesus did face resistance and rejection by most, He was always winning hearts. Many did not accept Him, but every time He spoke hearts were quietly being won. Despite the trouble that Jesus faced, He was constantly building His church and adding new members with each word He spoke.
We too will face much rejection when we share Jesus with others and it hurts. It hurts the most when it’s a close family member. It’s good to remind ourselves that Christ understands what we’re going through because He faced much more than we will ever face.
“If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.” (John 15:18)
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