John 16:16-33 “How Can We Turn Our Grief To Joy?”
How Can We Turn Our Grief To Joy?
Bible Study Guide
(Verses 16-18) In order to turn our grief to joy, we must first turn our hearts and minds toward Christ and listen to His teachings. Let’s take a closer look at what He’s saying to His disciples.
We are a blessed generation to know what Jesus was talking about when He said,
“In a little while you will see me no more, and then after a little while you will see me.” (John 16:16)
Their Messiah was talking about His death when they would not see him. Then He spoke of the resurrection when He would appear to them again. Not only to them did He appear after His resurrection. It’s recorded that He was seen by upwards of 500 people who saw Him after He rose from the dead.
For the moment, much of this was a mystery the disciples didn’t understand.
The Pain of Birth Turns Grief Into Joy
(Verses 19-21) Those of this world that crucified Jesus will rejoice in His death while the disciples grieve. The pain of the loss of their Friend, the fear for their own death and the loneliness of the cold world rejecting Christ will be a burden they will barely be able to carry.
Jesus understands their burden and uses the example of a mother giving birth and how the pain of birth turns to joy when the child is brought into the world.
(Verse 22) So is the pain that the disciples are now carrying. The disciples hear that their grief will turn to joy when they see Jesus reappear. They don’t understand that this will be after He has died on the cross.
They marveled at watching Lazarus being raised from the dead. How much more joy will they experience when their Messiah, Teacher and Friend comes back from the dead in His glorified body to visit them.
On That Day Their Grief Will Turn to Joy
(Verses 23-24) Jesus tells them that when they see Jesus again after His death in His resurrected body, they will begin to understand much of what was taught to them.
Christ reminds them a third time to lean on Him. Put their faith and trust in Him and make their prayers known in His name and it will be given to them. If it’s according to God’s will and it glorifies His name, their prayers will be answered.
(Verse 25) The disciples are reaching the pinnacle of their grief. But with the resurrection of their Savior will come joy. Then what will follow is an increase in their understanding of all the things they witnessed and experienced over the past three years with Jesus.
Their knowledge and understanding of God will continue to grow in each of their ministries as the Holy Spirit walks alongside them.
(Verse 26-28) The primary theme of Johns’ gospel and the very purpose for which he wrote his gospel is evident in these verses. Jesus is God!
(Verses 29-32) The disciples make the claim that they now understand and believe that Jesus came from God. Jesus turns to them with a question to test them. Then He reveals the truth to them of their belief. He tells them that in Jesus’ time of greatest need, they will abandon Him.
Just when the disciples were beginning to feel a little better about themselves and their faith, Jesus tells them that they will be tested and will fail.
When you look carefully at this, we see a similar interaction between Jesus and Peter when Peter claims that he’ll lay down his life for Jesus. Jesus turns to him also with a question to test him (John 13:37-38).
The Perfect Verse for Turning Grief Into Pain
(Verse 33) John closes out this chapter by recording Jesus leaving His disciples an encouraging statement.
This is one of my favorite verses of the Bible. It’s one that brings me encouragement every time I repeat it to myself. It reminds me that when I put my full trust and faith in Christ, He will turn my grief into joy and peace. I can always rest in the comfort of knowing that whatever trial and tribulation the world might throw at me, Christ has overcome much greater things than these.
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