John 15:18-27 “If the World Will Hate You, How Can You Live In It?”

If the World Will Hate You, How Can You Live in the World?

Bible Study Guide

(Verse 18-19) The coming days are going to be the most difficult days that the disciples will encounter since they were called at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry.

He’s going to try and prepare them as much as possible. He doesn’t sugar coat the challenges to come. The world will hate you He tells them, but remember they hated me first.

He’s going to elaborate on this in the next chapter to help encourage them further.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
(John 16:33)

How Can You Live in the World While It Hates You?

Christ’ statement creates a separation between Him and the world. While God created the world, it has a temporary prince. Paul calls him the spirit of lawlessness. He’s better known as Satan or the prince of the air.

The world and it’s sinful state due to mans fallen nature exists apart from God. God cannot abide in sin. Thus Jesus came from heaven to accomplish the work of God, so that we who are on earth might have a place in heaven.

So we are either of God or of the world, spiritually speaking. John reiterates this in his first epistle.

“We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.” (1 John 5:19)

(Verses 20-21) Jesus made it clear to His disciples that while they’re in the world, the world is going to hate them and will persecute them. Christ knew what was about to happen to Him. He wanted His disciples to be prepared.

Living your life for Christ will surely bring you trouble. If they punished the only One who was truly without sin, they will certainly punish those who follow Him. We see this happening today with the alarming rate of hate against anything associated with God. We live in an anti God, death cult society. A society bent on destroying and celebrating the breakdown of the family, moral values and the gender destruction of our children.

The World Will Hate You For No Reason

(Verses 22-25) When Christ came the first time, He showed the people of Israel there sins. He put before them, light and darkness. He encouraged them to choose the light. But they chose the darkness.

Because they had been shown by Christ their spiritual condition, they were without excuse for their guilt. For they knew but they refused to accept. As it was, they had seen the works of God through their Messiah and they chose to hate the Father and the Son.

This occurred so that what was written could be fulfilled that, “They hated me without reason.” Jesus was referring to what King David wrote in these two Psalms.

“Do not let those gloat over me
who are my enemies without cause;
do not let those who hate me without reason
maliciously wink the eye.” (Psalm 35:19)

“Those who hate me without reason
outnumber the hairs of my head;
many are my enemies without cause,
those who seek to destroy me.
I am forced to restore
what I did not steal.” (Psalm 69:4)

I Will Send You the Holy Spirit

(Verses 26-27) At the conclusion of the last chapter, Jesus introduces to His disciples, the Holy Spirit. As we conclude this chapter, John records Jesus reminding His disciples of the coming of the Holy Spirit. This will help to ease their worried minds as He prepares them for the events that they’re about to experience.

He also wants them to know that the while the world will hate you, the power of the Father and the Son will be with you through the Holy Spirit that will come to reside in you. The advocate with testify to them of all that Jesus came and did in their presence.

In turn, Jesus expects them to testify as witnesses for Christ to Judea, Samaria and all the region. Because they’re about to set off on an incredible course of evangelism extending to all the nations. The likes of which the world has never seen. A course that continues today and will not end until Christ’ feet return upon the Mt. Of Olives at the Second Coming.

What Does This Mean For Us?

While the world will hate you also, it must not deter you from sharing the Word with others. Be diligent and bold. Even if it means just taking one friend or relative, one acquaintance or neighbor to get together just the two of you to explore and share what God wants to you to know about the days that are coming.

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