Introduction to What’s to Come at the End of the Age
Bible Study Guide
(Introduction) John is about to be fully immersed into the most unimaginable experience of his lifetime. He’s about to be escorted to a front row seat to the events that are to come at the end of the age. Let’s first remember how this began.
John was living a life of solitude as an exile on the small island of Patmos in the Aegean Sea. He was near the age of 90 years old and likely the only remaining apostle alive of the twelve.
It’s highly likely he fully understood that he was living out his last remaining years in quiet and anxious anticipation of his death where he would then go to be with his savior. But the Lord had saved John for a time such as this. God was not finished with him just yet. It was John’s time and season according to God’s will and timing to produce his greatest work yet.
After all, the Bible was going to need a closing chapter. It would be a final message from the Savior Himself to mankind. This message would bring meaning to all that was spoken of by the prophets about these last days that point to the end of the age.
The Unexpected Visit
Then suddenly, the One he gave up three years of his life to follow, his best friend and most importantly, his Lord and Savior shows up to pay him a visit. Probably not what John expected to happen as he took his last breathes on this big bouncing ball in the universe.
Many thoughts may have traveled across John’s mind when Jesus appeared. Maybe he thought Christ was going to personally walk with him into heaven. He might be released from the lifetime restrictions of time and gravity. Maybe it was something else.
Whatever it was Jesus was there for, John knew there was only one thing he could do. John spent three years following Jesus closely and obeying every command of his Master and Teacher. That was exactly what he would continue to do. John was ready and Jesus wasted no time in letting John know the purpose for His visit.
What Was, What Is and What Is To Come at the End of the Age
John was a witness to “what was” and what He saw as a follower and student of Jesus before and up to His resurrection and ascension into heaven. Now Jesus was about to show him “what is.”
The “what is” was the current state of the seven churches in the letters that were dictated to John by Jesus. These seven letters to the seven churches were not only meant for those seven of that day. These letters and the warnings, rebukes, praise and encouragement were meant to reverberate throughout history. They were intended for every Christian church that considered themselves followers of Christ.
Meant For All Christian Churches
Every Christian church in the world today fits the mold of one of the churches in the seven that Jesus asks John to write to. These letters are a spiritual ‘state of the union” address. They bring to light those things that Christ finds concerning and the things that he is delighted in.
Today, we have hundreds of different so-called Christian churches that claim to follow Christ with differing beliefs. The problem is, there is only one Jesus Christ. So we have the true Christian churches who follow the Jesus of the Bible. Then we have the so-called Christian churches that follow the Jesus of popular opinion, imagination, or every other Jesus except for the real One.
These seven letters are a final warning to the churches of today as well as yesterday. They urge repentance and to turn from your ways before it’s too late. Because the next step includes the events of the tribulation of the end of the age.
This is perhaps why 98% of churches do not teach on the book of Revelation. No one wants to hear that they’re steeped in sin. They are empty of the truth of the true and living gospel of Christ.
What Happens to the Church During the End of the Age Events
We’ve watched John go from quiet solitude to quick dictation of the seven letters. He’s been a witness to what had been and has heard what is now (seven letters). Now, as Jesus described in the very first verse of Revelation, John is about to be shown what must soon take place.
Perhaps John found comfort in the presence of his Savior who appeared to him. It may have been a bit overwhelming being thrust into his new role as the finisher of the Bible.
Either way, John’s mind is probably filled with questions as to what all this means. Perhaps, Jesus is helping John understand all that he’s hearing and about to see in visions. The average person can’t help but feel a bit overwhelmed. But the next part of the journey that John is about to embark on is one that’s almost unimaginable for anyone to preconceive.
But first, we need to point out the big white elephant in the room that suddenly completely disappears. Some of you might already know where I’m going with this.
It’s the church.
In the first three chapters of Revelation, the church is mentioned no less than 19 times. Then in chapter 4 it disappears entirely. You can parse through chapters 4-21 with a fine tooth comb. You won’t find any sign of the church. It won’t be seen again until chapter 22. So what happens to the church at the end of the age?
The Rapture Happens Before End of the Age Events (Tribulation)
The church of true believers and followers of Christ is raptured! In other words, removed from this world and “caught up” to be with Christ.
Christ is about to describe the wrath that is going to come upon the whole world at the end of the age (tribulation). This is the same wrath that has been reserved for all those who’ve chosen to reject God and His Son. It is also reserved for those who reject the free gift of salvation He came to earth to bring to mankind.
Therefore, judgment is upon them. But those who have chosen to become true followers of Christ will not be subject to the wrath. This is spoken of throughout the Bible.
If you recall, just a few passages back, Jesus reminded the church of Philadelphia what happens to those who’ve accepted the sacrifice of Christ for the forgiveness of sins. They will not be dragged through this soon to come horrible period of destruction that is set for earth and its inhabitants.
“Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth.
(Revelation 3:10)
So the Christian churches who’ve just been warned will soon find themselves on one of two roads. The first is the narrow and level road that leads back to their heavenly Father. This road is traveled only through the Son and into the rapture. Or they’ll find themselves on a road filled with destruction that John is about to see through visions. These visions will last seven years.
Which Path Will You Take?
In short, those who are raptured will be “caught up” (raptured) from this world. This will happen before chapter 4 and will be carried all the way to chapter 22 by their blessed hope. How appropriately symbolic it is to see John temporarily raptured at the beginning of chapter 4.
The remainder (unbelievers) will have to travel across the treacherous path laid out for them from chapter 4-21. What path will you travel? One leads to death and the other to eternal life and unimaginable blessings.
<< Rev. 3:14-22 “Letter to Church in Laodicea” | “God’s Throne Room in Heaven” Rev. 4:1 >>