The Anointing of Jesus
Bible Study Guide
(Verse 1) Bethany would serve as somewhat of a home base for Jesus and His disciples during His last week in Jerusalem before He’s crucified. Each day they spent in Jerusalem or the Mount of Olives. Jesus and His disciples would return each evening to Bethany to stay with friends. It was convenient and close to Jerusalem.
(Verses 2-3) John points out during the dinner meant to honor Jesus that Martha is the one busy serving dinner. This is not a surprise. She also demonstrated her hospitality concerns during Jesus’ visit to her and Mary’s house as recorded by Luke (Luke 10:38-42).
Martha is busy worrying and making sure that everything was just right. In order to be the gracious host she expected of herself during Jesus’ visit. On the other hand, we’ll see Mary assume her usual role in worshiping her Lord and Savior.
This time, instead of sitting at His feet to listen to His words as a young Jewish student would do in the presence of His Rabbi (teacher), Mary will anoint the feet of Jesus.
What is Nard?
In the King James Bible it’s referred to as spikenard. But other translations refer to it as simply “pure nard.” It’s derived from the root of an Indian plant found only in the Himalayan mountains. Similar to an essential oil, it’s a powerfully fragrant substance that was also known to have medicinal properties.
Its aroma was so distinct that it was regarded as the best of the best of aromatic fragrances of the ancient world. It was held in similar style as to how we value precious diamonds and gold in today’s world.
It’s likely that Mary gathered every last bit of value she possessed to purchase such an amount of extravagant and highly valued ointment. This proved that there was no possession Mary found worth holding onto that she was not willing to give up in worship for her Savior.
This precious and boundless love that Mary had for Jesus serves as a wonderful example for our own path. It helps in building a close relationship with our Lord.
Once Mary anointed Jesus, she used an honored part of her body (hair) to wipe the dirtiest and lowliest part of Jesus’ body, his feet.
Mary would not even use the expensive perfume for her own brother’s burial, but saved it only for Jesus.
Mary had no idea that she was anointing more than just the body of Jesus. She was anointing the very One who would be the unblemished sacrificial Lamb. The body she was preparing for burial was the very same one that would accept the flesh piercing lashes and nails that would temporarily bind Him to the cross.
His was the very body that would bear the sins of all mankind. For a brief moment, it would be separated from God.
Judas Iscariot the Thief
(Verses 4-6) While we must assume that the disciples trusted Judas, John reveals in his gospel Judas’s true nature.
(Verses 7-8) What Jesus says about the poor is not meant to imply that we should not care for them and their needs. Jesus is merely pointing to the fact that His time is short and He will soon be leaving this world.
(Verses 9-11) Jesus’ friends and many other Jews who came to see Him were a brave lot. Because the Jews were instructed to tell the Pharisee’s the whereabouts of Jesus if they knew.
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