Bible Study Guide
Beware of the False Gospel!
Recall in Paul’s first letter, he answers some very unsettling questions on the minds of the Thessalonians. These questions involved the coming of Jesus Christ and our being gathered to Him (rapture).
It only makes sense to understand that when Paul was with the Thessalonians, he taught them about the rapture. This gathering of the believers in Christ at the end of the age raised some very valid questions. One being, what would happen to their loved ones who have already passed away as believers in Christ?
In his first letter, Paul answers this question. We see in Paul’s answer that there is going to be an order of things to happen at the moment of the rapture. He goes on to explain that the their ancestors will be raised first, then afterwards the living will be raised to join their ancestors. At that point, we will all be gathered to Christ.
Why Is Understanding the Order of Events Important?
It’s important to understand this so that we don’t look at these things that are happening as random events. Especially as we see the world as it is today and the chaos we’re witnessing among mankind and nature.
Paul tries to reassure the believers in Thessalonica that certain things must occur before other things can take place. In other words, there is an order to all things. This order is decreed and established by God. They will happen and are happening just as He foretold.
This we can be assured of so that we can look at world events not as being out of control but all things falling perfectly into place. Because God’s hand is on all things and all things are moving toward His will.
Questions About the Day of the Lord
(Verses 1-2) We see again in this second letter, more unsettling questions coming from Paul’s newly planted church in Thessalonica. These questions remain focused around the events of Jesus Christ’s Second Coming “the Day of the Lord.”
Paul begins this passage by pointing to their concern of the rapture and the events that will take place around this time. He encourages them to not be so easily taken in by words that are allegedly from Paul, Silas and Timothy.
We can ascertain from Paul’s reply that there are unbelievers among the followers of Christ in Thessalonica that are introducing false doctrine. In particular, as we’ll see shortly, concerns about missing the return of Christ. These sowers of doubt are putting into the minds of these new Christians that the return of Christ has already come and gone.
Allegedly these sowers of lies are claiming this teaching is coming from Paul, Silas and Timothy. But Paul attempts to put them at ease about these false teachings, asking them not to be so easily shaken in their faith and what they were taught.
“Watch Not To Be Deceived”
As we’ll see in a moment, the deception Paul’s young church was facing is exactly what Christ spoke about in His opening sentences of the Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24). These words from Christ were meant for us today as He was speaking about the last days. The deception He spoke of was specifically that of spiritual deception. The deception that turns our attention away from Christ.
We see this happening today at an alarming pace. It’s occurring in the ecumenical movement of the traditional religions as they draw away from the words of God and seek relevancy in what the world is offering. We also see a dramatic rise in the allegorical interpretation of God’s word in the false gospel of post modern Christianity (Replacement Theology, New Apostolic Reformation, Prosperity Gospel, Social Justice Gospel, Critical Race Theory Gospel etc.).
These groups seek to lure the most vulnerable and weak in faith to their blasphemous teachings. These vulnerable are the ones who’ve been abandoned by their church or they’re unbelievers seeking a god for spiritual answers and guidance due to the rise in evil they see in the world.
Watch carefully not to be deceived!
<< 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12 “Things That Must Happen Before the Second Coming of Christ” | “Standing Firm in the Faith” 2 Thessalonians 13-17 >>