2 Thessalonians 2:5-6 “Has the Second Coming of Christ Already Happened?”

Bible Study Guide

Has the Second Coming of Christ already happened?

(Verse 5-6) This question was weighing heavily on the minds of the young Christian church in Thessalonica. Just after learning the order of the rapture in Paul’s first letter, then comes another daunting question challenging their faith.

We learn that an unbeliever among these early Christian’s is planting seeds of doubt in their minds. This unknown person, as if speaking with authority coming from Paul is telling them that Christ has already returned a second time.

Paul opens up his explanation in a scene that is similar to the story of the two who were walking on the road to Emmaus. In their fragile faith to believe all they had learned of Jesus when he was alive, Christ had to remind them of all the was spoken about him. All of it had to be fulfilled. But they were quick to forget.

In verse 5, Paul has to remind the Thessalonians that he had already taught them these things of Christ’s Second Coming when he was with them. Because these new followers of Christ had a very immature faith in their savior, they were vulnerable to worldly influences. Paul was very aware of this. He realized he needed to reinforce his teachings.

What Must Take Place Before the Second Coming of Christ?

Paul reassures his new church that Christ has not returned. He reinforces this by explaining that there are two events that must occur first, in addition to the Great Apostasy.

First, the man of lawlessness will be revealed to the world but not before the one who is holding him back is taken out of the way.

The one who is holding back or restraining the man of lawlessness is the Holy Spirit. We know that the Holy Spirit lives within the believers of Jesus Christ. Therefore, when the rapture occurs, this is when the restraining power of the Holy Spirit that resides in us will be removed from this world.

Paul reminds them that there is already lawlessness at work in the world even before the revealing of the antichrist. But once the Holy Spirit, the church of Christ is removed at the rapture, the level of evil in the world will increase exponentially. This is going to be the world stage welcoming moment for the one who opposes all the things of God.

Who’s the Restrainer?

There is much debate about who the restrainer is. There are two roads to be traveled when understanding this passage. One can take the entirety of the scriptures to properly understand the restrainer and the events around His removal. The other road can an allegorical view of scripture and an abuse of the meaning by treating it like the buffet line at the Golden Corral.

God is not in temples made by people. God is in people made to be His temple, a place for the Holy Spirit to reside for those who believe in His son. He is the only one who has the power to restrain Satan and his works. God is in heaven and Christ is seated at His right hand. It’s the Holy Spirit that came to reside with the believers after Christ left earth at Pentecost for the final time until His return.

This is the power of God Through His Holy Spirit?

“The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands.”

Acts 17:24

“Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?”

1 Corinthians 6:19

When people see us, they see Jesus, and when the see Jesus, they see the Father. We are the restrainers that are doing the restraining through the power of the Holy Spirit in the authority of God our Father.

We, the believers in Jesus Christ are the good in the world that is holding back evil from reaching unprecedented levels. Those who reject God will celebrate when the rapture occurs and we are taken out of this world.

Imagine a world, where all the good is removed and the only thing remaining are evil things that oppose God. It’s not a world that I care to think about. Gloriously, it’s a world that the Lord will keep us, the church of Christ from.

The celebration of evil will not last long, because the seven years of wrath that is coming to test the inhabitants of the earth will begin shortly thereafter.

If you haven’t already, don’t wait! Put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ today!

<< 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 “The Great Apostasy | “Who is the Lawless One?” 2 Thessalonians 2:7-8 >>