2 Thessalonians 1:1-12 “Things that Must Happen Before the Second Coming of Christ”
Bible Study Guide
Things that Must Happen Before the Second Coming of Christ
It had only been a few months since Paul had written his first letter to the newly planted church in Thessalonica, when new alarming questions were being raised in the minds of the new believers.
Planting and shepherding new churches across Asia Minor and Macedonia can prove to be a daunting task. Like a parent raising, nurturing and guiding their children, Paul needed to do the same for this church that sat in the midst of an important trade route between Asia Minor and Rome.
It was imperative that these believers understood the gospel of Christ as it was taught by Paul. From Thessalonica, the word of God had the potential to spread rapidly far and wide because of the travelers that came to the city from all around.
What Happens to Loved Ones Who Have Passed Before the Rapture?
In his first letter, he addresses the questions they had about what would happen to their loved ones at the time of the rapture, who have already died in Christ.
Now, it appears that there are some unbelieving agitators attempting to drive a stake of doubt in the minds of these new Christ followers. Allegedly, these teachings were coming from Paul. This meant Paul had to write a second letter addressing these very important issues about the rapture and the Second Coming of Christ which are two separate events.
Paul had to reassure them that the Second Coming had not taken place because there are certain significant events that had to occur before Christ’s return.
As you can imagine, it must’ve pained Paul severely not to be able to be there with his new church to reinforce his teachings face to face. Knowing that they were under persecution and vulnerable in their newly found faith, he had to address the situation in a letter.
The Thessalonians of that day are much like the Christians of today. We see lawlessness increasing at a pace that is almost incomprehensible to the average person, especially a believer in Christ. This is why as brothers and sisters in Christ, we must constantly show love, support and encouragement for one another. We must continue to edify one another in the trustworthy Word of God. And not allow ourselves to be easily deceived by all the false prophets that the world seems to be flooded with.
Paul Comforts and Encourages the New Christians
(Verses 1-12) As is customary for Paul, he opens his second letter to the Thessalonians with petitions for prayer and blessings. He continues on with thanksgiving for their perseverance and growing faith.
Paul is a master at reinforcing past teachings, demonstrating love and encouragement and reminding them of the reward that awaits those who are faithful and endure patiently until the end.
He goes on to remind his church that God is a just Judge and he will eventually right every wrong. For all those who like to sow wind, wind is what they will reap when Christ returns to judge.
The judgment that Paul teaches them of is one that will deliver everlasting punishment and destruction. But they, being the believers in Christ will be counted among those that will be glorified and will marvel at the glory of Christ’s might when he returns to gather his church and then to eventually judge.
Paul closes with comforting and uplifting words of prayer for his new community of Christ followers.
As true Christians, we ought to glean from each of these passages good instructions on how we ought to treat one another. Always edifying one another in words of love, encouragement and guidance, especially those who are in the most need.
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